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I have questions question concerning the extent to which I can recover from a traumatic accident. The most serious injury was a burst fracture to L2. I have recovered most function. However, the left quadriceps lags. I am an experienced, long term, bodybuilding, weight training enthusiast. The average person would not notice that I had such an injury. This is mostly due to the relatively advanced condition I maintain. I am experienced with various performance enhancement chemicals, and I have legal, physician, access to nearly anything due to the severity of my injuries. I am wanting to maximize my function within the left quadriceps. In addition to standard AAS protocols, I have obtained Omnitrope (5.8 mg, which comes with 1.14ml of bacteriostatic water). My question is: what would be the ideal performance enhancement protocol to follow to induce hypertrophy, hyperplasia and nerve innervation, if these are possible and not theoretical? What would be the best dosage for Omnitrope. I do not believe physicians are familiar enough to know exactly. Any information on this and training would be appreciated.