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Thread: shoulder injury

  1. #1
    Godson's Avatar
    Godson is offline Associate Member
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    shoulder injury

    long story short
    i was doing incline db flies for chest, and i extended the db wide
    and i felt a pop, and pain immediately

    i put the weights down at this point, went home went to the doctors the next day he told me 3 weeks off, which i have followed. he said i didnt tear anything due to my range of motion

    i feel slight pain, and definite weakness in the shoulder but i can move it all around just fine

    week 3 i decided to see if i could do push ups, which i can but i got really scared when everytime i push up my shoulder pops, which did not occur previously? the pain is sligthly there but not much, i can do any type of bench press/push up movement really

    any clues as to what happen in the first place?
    what i should do next?

  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Sounds like you pinched a part of your rotor cuff.Basically, rest and slow return to exercise.I've had 4(yes 4),rotor cuff surgeries.If the pain is in the back of your shoulder,your screwed.If it's the side or front delt,it's hopefully at most a small muscle tear.It can pop for awhile.If you have a good ortho doc, thats also a surgeon, he can advise you better.An MRI can also be a help in determining what's up.

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