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Thread: PH w/ med's for an injury, good or bad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    PH w/ med's for an injury, good or bad?

    I am in the middle of my PH cycle and I tore my calf muscle. I was wondering if the meds the docs prescribed me will interfere with my PH or will they have great effects on my kidneys and liver. Im taking finaflex 550-xd and the docs gave me vicodin and flexaril(muscle relaxer). ive had lab work done while on my PH to watch my liver and kidney functions and they are about 1-2 points higher than normal. anyone have a clue? thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    there shouldn't be much interaction between the medications; Vicodin only becomes hepatotoxic if you consume more than 4g of acetaminophen per day, over the course of a week or so (that's the tylenol part of Vicodin). so that's the good.

    the bad news is this...we are beginning to see more and more intramuscular, musculotendinous, and tendinous insertion injuries than EVER before secondary to guys using gear. It's a topic that is only now being studied in the depth that it deserves, which is why there is a lack of good evidence based research out there. There's going to be a several year lag on publishing it, but within the next year or two, I anticipate there being overwhelming research pointing to the bad side effects that roids have on specifically these three areas of anatomy.

    it's like I always tell my patients...I can't say for 100% to them in the office, that they sustained the injury because of what they were using... but I can be pretty sure. Most, if not all of my patients initially deny using. Here's the deal....the minute I get into the operating room, and open up the area to do the repair....then I CAN tell for 100% certainty that they use, from simply LOOKING at the area in question. 100% of the time, it looks like s**t....just very unhealthy tissue. More often than not, it precludes an ideal reapir, because we can rarely even place sutures through the material to hold just tears right through. After surgery they all then admit using it....after I tell them that they're basically screwed since they got the salvage operation, rather than the ideal one I would have preferred to do. Plain and simple.

    We're not sure exactly WHY just yet, but we know for a fact that that hypertrophy that occurs at the tendinous insertions of muscles for people who are using becomes degenerative, despite being hyperproliferative.

    What this means is that the tendon tries to heal itself from countless miniature microtears but fails to do so effectively (since it is either over-worked by a muscle becoming stronger more quickly than the tendon can accommodate for, or the juice causes a direct degenerative effect on the tendinous insertion itself; as I said, research is underway, and though we don't know for sure just yet, it will likely prove to be a combination of the two).

    A little bit of a side bar, but hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i understand 100% and everything sounds spot on. i have wondered if the risk of injuries on gear are increased so I will look forward to seeing these studies you speak of. Unfortunately this injury occured because of a soccer game and another player thinking the side of my calf was the ball haha. Glad to hear the meds shouldnt interfere too much. thanks kd!

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