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Thread: When to do body building again.

  1. #1

    Question When to do body building again.

    I should have my cast off this week or two more weeks and physical therapy will follow. I had broken my arm and wrist and been in a cast for 4 months. It happened when practicing a black belt level martial arts when I been out of practice for 20 years and fell.

    I managed to come up with the money to buy 3 Anadrol bottles and luckily I got a body builder that told me what I need to know. I found out that my weight, I should take oral 50 mg 3 times a day for six weeks, but how long do I stay off roids before I do another cycle.

    I take Adderal XR which I'm gonna stop taking while I'm on a cycle and take Adderal XR again when I'm done with the cycle. If I take Adderal XR while I am on a cycle then I'll never be able to take 3 50 mg anadrol a day, and maybe 2 at the most after the 12 hour duration of Adderal XR.

    When I was on a cycle I only took 1 50 mg D-Bol per day, and 2 max, because I was taking Aderal XR. At my weight I sould have taken 3 50 mg of D-Bol a day, but I did get increased strength.

    When I body build and practice Ninjutsu again will depend on when I get finnished with physical therapy. Any wisdom of advice will be greatly appretiated. I also can call the body builder back thats selling me Anadrol and ask about stoping Adderal XR while on cycle or continue Adderal XR with 1 or maybe 2 max of Anadrol after the 12 hour duration of Adderal XR.

    When I did not take the kind of dose for my weight then I believe thats why I did not get the kind of results that I wanted, and I did not drink protein drinks and I did not eat food beofre I took D-bol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    150mg of anadrol a day? You do not need to take aas. Especially an anadrol only cycle. The "bodybuilder" you are getting advice from is just trying to make some money off of you and will tell you what you wanna hear. Get your diet in check and get your physical therapy finished. Your pt will tell you when your cleared to lift again. Head over to the q&a and diet sections. You have a lot to learn. What are your current stats and age?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    150mg of anadrol a day? You do not need to take aas. Especially an anadrol only cycle. The "bodybuilder" you are getting advice from is just trying to make some money off of you and will tell you what you wanna hear. Get your diet in check and get your physical therapy finished. Your pt will tell you when your cleared to lift again. Head over to the q&a and diet sections. You have a lot to learn. What are your current stats and age?

  4. #4


    I'm 39 years old and what do you mean by stats? Thanks for your feedback. If you mean stats meaning weight then it's somewhere around 200 pounds which is big for my height.
    Last edited by Iblackhat; 12-15-2009 at 03:14 PM.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Iblackhat View Post
    I'm 39 years old and what do you mean by stats? Thanks for your feedback. If you mean stats meaning weight then it's somewhere around 200 pounds which is big for my height.

    Age: 39
    Weight: 200 lbs
    Body Fat:
    Training experience:

  6. #6
    5/6 height
    Not sure about body fat.
    In the past I had reached to third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do about twenty years ago. Body building I have years of training under other body builders. I have worked out in the gym and at home. I'm new to Ninjustsu and found out I need to go back to the basics.
    Last edited by Iblackhat; 12-15-2009 at 03:41 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iblackhat View Post
    5/6 height
    Not sure about body fat.
    In the past I had reached to third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do about twenty years ago. Body building I have years of training under other body builders. I have worked out in the gym and at home. I'm new to Ninjustsu and found out I need to go back to the basics.
    Can you see your abs clearly? What's your vascularity in your arms and shoulders look like if there is any? Do some research in the q&a forum and you'll see why an oral only cycle is not a good idea. Also coming right off an injury and trying to jump into aas is just going to raise the chances of you injuring yourself again. You need to learn how to properly diet and train naturally for a while in order to ready your body for a real cycle. Also study up on pct because if your dealer is selling you oral only cycles he's prolly not educating you on post cycle therapy. I know you don't want to hear that you shouldn't cycle but if you take this advice and "educate before you medicate," as some like to say, than you will be very thankful that you did. Good luck with the therapy. It can be a long frustrating process so don't give up.

  8. #8
    Even though I have not been able to work out in for four months I have not notice lose of muscularity, but I actually have a smaller stomach. I have cut the sugar out of my diet and use sweet in low instead and lost ten pounds in a short while and the weight lose was even seen in my face according to my medical doctor. I will spend time here educating myself on the stuff you mention and put off a cycle untill I'm ready. I have not seen muscular abs in a while, but thats, because of diet, like sugar. I have obvious muscles bulking into my neck, but my stomach should match that. I have muscularity in my chest, but need to work on my biceps.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Pin it to win it!
    Good luck and feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
    Last edited by stack_it; 12-15-2009 at 04:38 PM.

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