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Thread: Melanotan II Guide

  1. #1
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Arrow Melanotan II Guide

    Melanotan 2 Dosing:

    Light: .1mg
    Common: .250mg
    Large: .500mg

    Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is an analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Melanotan 2 comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial.

    Melanotan II acts on melanocytes to stimulate melanin production. Melanin is the body's natural pigment responsible for your tan.

    Melanocortins are a family of peptides beginning with the sequence: His-Phe-Arg-Trp. Melanotan peptides bind to and activate melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function. MT-2 MCRs: MC1R, MC3R, MC4R & MC5R.

    Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent than M-I (which targets MC1R) targeting more receptors. Melanotan 2 has a protective ring-like amino acid structure as compared to a linear peptide such as Melanotan One or Afamelanotide.

    What does this mean? The fair skinned CAN achieve a natural tan with synthetic MSH, Melanotan 2. For people with sun allergies these discoveries are life changing. The best defense against skin cancer is a natural tan developed over time. MT-2 was designed to reduce skin cancer rates and be effective as a sunless tanner.

    Who uses Melanotan 2? Athletes and fitness enthusiasts choose MT-2 as a lifestyle product to increase tanning efficacy, the aphrodisiac and appetite suppression. MT-2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired magazine. Synthetic melanocortin use helps to attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

    Lower skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale are the best candidates for Melanotan 2.

    Melanotan treatment stimulates melanin effectively, in particular those with low skin types.
    Note: Melanotan is approximately 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH and MT-2 has a greater efficacy than M-I.

    Disclaimer: Please pursue information regarding the usage of these products from your own research, academic journals, or the research of your in-house scientific team. Products are sold for research purposes are not for human consumption. Remember when you contact these types of stores/sponsors not to relate the questions or topics to human consumption or they tend not to answer. Always inquire in a research type question.

    Melanotan 2 Peptide:
    Melanotan 2 peptides come in 5mg and 10mg sizes. Photograph at left shows a 5mg and 10mg MT-2 peptide as an example. Peptides within photograph were synthesized by the same laboratory, contain no filler and therefore volume reflects content. All peptides and freeze drying processes are not created equal. Current MT-2 industry standard is the 10mg, 2ml vial size. Trending towards lower doses, freshness, safety, travel and other factors are increasing demand for smaller quantities.

    Reconstituted with bacteriostatic water (BW), MT-2 peptide remains potent and preserved. Reconstituting (mixing) your Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity and will require proper due diligence for results. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed Melanotan 2, pills, oral and loose powder are not often legitimate. There are successful reports of nasal spray experiences, however, they are few and far between as the molecule is larger than the membrane will allow. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested.

    Shipping and Handling: Melanotan peptides are durable and stable. Highlighted in study, the reconstituted MT-2 was shown to be stable at 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least 28 days. Shipping MT-2, even in summer months, is not a problem. Do not pay for cold shipping as it is not a premium. When receiving MT-2 it is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

    Add BW to the vial when you are ready to begin MT-2 research. View the instructional youtube video on the PT-141 page to see the reconstitution process.

    Remove plastic flip top from vial to expose rubber stopper. Needle will pierce the stopper making way inside the vial to turn the white powder into a clear liquid.

    Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

    1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
    Calculations for a desired 0.5mg/500mcg dose:
    Step 1= 1ml
    Step 2= 10mg MT-II
    Step 3= 1ml bact water
    Step 4= 500mcg dose
    2-3 ticks on your insulin pin (approximately 1/20th of a U100 syringe)

    Some prefer to add more dilutent which works fine, take note of the volume increase.

    Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only. Once your technique perfected, injections are almost painless.

    Starting dose:
    Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg). See how you react. Goal should be to feel nothing. Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is outdated and potentially dangerous.

    Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. People who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don’t worry if you miss occasional days. It will not make much difference, focus on the cumulative effects.

    Maintenance dose: Maintenance is taking doses less frequently than daily to avoid becoming darker than you want. Yes, that will happen. With enough UVR, you will get much darker than you have even been before. A maintenance dose can help prolong super-physiological photo-protection MT-2 delivers.

    UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast you tan and how dark you get. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

    Fat Loss:
    The melanocortin (MC) system is a signaling pathway for leptin and insulin. The MC system is important for control of food intake and body weight. MT-2 treatment results in adipocyte lipolysis. MT-2 increases fatty acid oxidation(FAO) in which the MC5R plays a significant role. MT-2 improves insulin sensitivity through stimulating FAO in skeletal muscle tissue. Reduced food intake from the anorectic response of MT-2 is primarily responsible for weight loss.

    Watch yourself: Your tan can sneak up on you. A tan generally sets in 3 days after UV rays. Dose and expose yourself gradually to UVR when tanning. Love your skin.

    Avoid burning: You are protected from burning mostly by your tan, not the MT-2 peptide. Therefore, don’t overdo the rays at first. Start with only as much UV that you could tolerate without burring before you began Melanotan. It should not take many weeks before you can tolerate hours of strong sun without burning. Truly incredible for those who have never experienced freedom to enjoy the sun.

    Continue your regular dosing protocol until you have reached your desired tan and do not want to become darker. Cut injection frequency to once every 2, 3, 4, or even 7 days. Experiment to find the frequency that gives the tan you want.

    Storage: Store freeze dried and reconstituted peptides in the refrigerator.

    Do you have to inject MT-II?
    Yes. The best, most efficient method of administering Melanotan peptides are subcutaneous (subq) injections. Nasal sprays are inconsistent and inefficient. No detectable levels were observed following oral dosing - pills do not work.

    Note: There are many things you will need to consider before experimenting with this peptide. Cyclic analogues (MT-II) have a wide range of peripheral effects and systemic control is always going to pose an issue in clinical use. Needless to say, MT-II is not an approved or regulated product. MT-II is legal to buy, possess, etc. Variables such as skin type and individual goals need assessment. Ask for critiques, plans and create a user log during use. Seasoned users are generally more than happy to offer tricks of the trade.

    When you start supplementing a-MSH to tan keep in mind that tanning is literally a side effect. The tanning response is, in reality, a physiological repair mechanism to instant UV damage of the skin cells (epidermis/dermis). Melanocyte stimulating hormone is not going to color your skin, it is going to make your own skin create its own tan and that in turn creates protection. If you are looking to be some bronzed beach God with perfectly uniform and specific color then you are better off to going to mystic tan. Redheads, for example, naturally produce a variant form of melanin that is yellowish-red (pheomelanin). Do not expect a brown tan on a ginger body right away.

    Know your skin type: Knowing your skin type is just one detail which will help create a user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories, complications and failures.

    Am I a good candidate for MT-II?
    Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider. This is a question handled best through asking the audience. Seek council other others at the Melanotan forum.

    How should I dose MT-II?
    Start out small and build up. A typical starting dose is around .25mg and max dose reaching 1mg.

    Things to consider: There is no magic pill or formula. Few dermatologists are familiar with Melanotan. The skin is a large, unpredictable organ. Feel comfortable and confident with MT-II before use. Check out as many before and after photos and user logs as you can. A skin type I individual may have to commit months of dedication before dialing in their desired results, be patient.

    How much MT-II should I buy and how long will it last?

    Skin type I: 30-50mg
    Skin type II: 20-30mg
    Skin type III: 10mg
    Should last entire summer or season

    How soon will I begin to see results?

    You should notice a change in your skin tone after three weeks. If you have freckles, expect them to get darker before your actual skin color changes.

    How long will tan last?
    A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a month if they stop getting sun. But if they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan 3 months later.

    Melanotan 2 Report 2007:

    Side effects of MT-II?
    Possible short-term side effects you should know about, including: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing and increased libido. These may be noticeable during the first few days of treatment but should taper off.

    Dosing an anti-histamine, such as Claritin (Loratadine), works to eliminate sides such as nausea after injecting.
    Last edited by 956Vette; 02-07-2023 at 08:58 AM. Reason: 2013 updates

  2. #2
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Excellent post about melanotan.

    I love the stuff. I've never experienced a tan before this stuff.

  3. #3
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    So vette, how long does melanotan stay in your system? Do I need to keep taking shots in order to keep my tan?

  4. #4
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz View Post
    How long does melanotan stay in your system?
    Melanotan only stays in your system briefly. The effects however remain with you for some time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz
    Do I need to keep taking shots in order to keep my tan?
    Great questions. UV exposure is what is important. Melanocyte stimulating hormone really doesnt yield a sunless tan (in most cases it takes UV exposure in conjunction with the injection to become tan).

    Elaborate further asap

  5. #5
    **TOP**'s Avatar
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    Wonderful job VETTE,this should be a sticky. Thanks for all you do!!..TOP

  6. #6
    toothache's Avatar
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    Does melanotan I tan as well or is II better?

  7. #7
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by toothache View Post
    Does melanotan I tan as well or is II better?
    Melanotan I will tan also. MT-II is cheaper and more efficient. The results from M-I are more subtle...many users not seeing much from the peptide. Takes the right person with the right skin type to get value from it (dont get me wrong though, many benefit from M-I use)

  8. #8
    chad89 is offline New Member
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    quick question here where should M II be injected at stomach delt ?

  9. #9
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by chad89 View Post
    quick question here where should M II be injected at stomach delt ?
    anywhere you are comfortable administering a subq injection

  10. #10
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    hey 956vette could u email me at [email protected]

    i have a few questions i need answered and want to chat about melanotan in general

  11. #11
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    May as well ask them for everyone to see until you are able to private message

  12. #12
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    Is Melanotan safe to take with a clen /t3 cycle?

    How many syringes should I be ordering if im going to be taking in 30mg of melanotan?

    Will 30 ml of bacteristic water be enough for 30mg of melanotan?

  13. #13
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Yes, melanotan will be fine alongside clen /t3

    50 insulin syringes will be approx enough

    3-6 ml of bact water will be plenty for reconstituting 3 10mg vials, yes sir

  14. #14
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    can we keep the mixtures in the freezer or does it have to be refridgerated.

  15. #15
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    less hassle to simply leave refrigerated

  16. #16
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    have some question now that i got the melanotan in hand.

    -Can we keep the unused bac water at room temperature or should this be refrigerated too once opened?
    Last edited by omgjimmyfricke; 03-13-2010 at 07:17 PM.

  17. #17
    talstar is offline Junior Member
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    I keep mine in the frig. to be safe.

  18. #18
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    yea ive also read a few things saying that you should tan during the loading stage and shouldnt tan during the loading you guys try to get to a tanning bed like 2-3 times a week?

  19. #19
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    9 Tips for Melanotan 2 Success

    Things you should know:

    Dose escalation. With Melanotan 2, a good starting point is .25 mg. The goal is to find the smallest effective dose possible while limiting side-effects. Everyone is different, not all suppliers are created equal.

    Anti-histamines. Anti-histamine use can help reduce post injection nausea from MT-2. The anti-histamine reduces the probability of the body reacting that way to the introduction of the foreign compound. Claritin (Loratadine), Zyrtec (Cetirizine), Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) are appropriate.

    Cover your eyes and face. Fair skinned MT-2 users particularly. As limited UV exposure is essential for a natural looking tan, experiment with your body first. Try and avoid exposing your face until your 2nd or 3rd Melanotan cycle. Many out there overexpose themselves leaving their faces looking extra dark. Purple lips, wrinkles and freckles are just some of the lovely characteristics misuse can bring. Your face is sensitive, protect it. Achieving a balanced tan is what most of us are after.

    Ignore dosing charts.
    Rely on a common sense approach of dose escalation and experimentation. Charts which float around the net often have not kept up with the collective and advocate dangerously high dosages.

    Read current guides. Find the best information from many sources. Misinformation, trends, fades, and propaganda run rampant in the marketplace. Successful how to guides often share many similar principles which are extremely helpful to pay attention to.

    Rely on referrals. A seller who has stood the test of time and has referrals is likely looking out for you. A seller or area touting concerns about fillers, standards or origins often are misguided.

    Log & support user logs. Creating or simply participating in user logs offers insight into the thought process of the MT-2 user. The market relies on the collective knowledge. Rare there are detailed instructions applicable to you and your specific objectives. Ask questions. You will be surprised how many tricks of the trade rise to the surface.

    Weight-loss. Clinical data is on the rise. For now, many users believe MT-2 has fat loss/appetite suppression possibilities. Maximize fat loss when you use MT-2 on days or during time periods when you are fasting or in a caloric deficit.

    Travel sized Peptides. Although reconstituted MT-2 lasts for months when refrigerated, peptides are perishable items and require a certain level of care. 10mg MT-2 has been the industry standard size. With the dosage charts on the decrease, dose escalation on the increase, 5mg MT-2 offers further efficacy. Rather take a 10mg or 5mg MT-2 on a 4 day vacation? What about a 2mg PT-141 for the weekend? These are some options to take note of. From experience I can tell you there is not much exciting about bringing a 10mg vial on a trip only to pitch 5-8mg of the product in the trash before the flight home.

  20. #20
    tballz's Avatar
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    Great stuff, Vette.


  21. #21
    Focusmen's Avatar
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    very imformative. thank u sir

  22. #22
    fig's Avatar
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    How long should I load for? Think I'm Type II if that makes a difference. Here a pic. Thanks for all the info!

    Melanotan II Guide-photo-2.jpg

    **Just had a look at Abom's Log. Thinking about .5mg ED for a week then bump to 1mg 2x/week till the end of summer. How does this sound?
    Last edited by fig; 04-21-2010 at 09:26 AM.

  23. #23
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    How long should I load for? Think I'm Type II if that makes a difference. Here a pic. Thanks for all the info!
    After 5mg in .5mg increments you should have an idea how you respond

  24. #24
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    **Just had a look at Abom's Log. Thinking about .5mg ED for a week
    Sounds like a plan. You will know how to escalate the dose according to your body and goals. Good luck!!!

  25. #25
    SHANE704 is offline Junior Member
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    i get a full day of sun almost every weekend but i dont get extremely dark nd i dont keep a tan very long. I would like to use this MTII to get a lil darker but mostly to keep a tan longer...what kinda doses should I go with?

  26. #26
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    I been using this stuff for about 2 weeks, ed. I didnt even go tanning but was already kind of tan before using it. So in two weeks without any tanning i got real dark! Everyone is asking me where i went lol! Also, one thing i noticed is my birthmarks got alot darker. Is this permanent?

  27. #27
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    no, once you stop they fade, but memory is s weird thing, who's to say.. and if it's scar tissue that will usually stay a little darker..

    just depends on the type of birth mark/pigmentation..

    I love me some mt2
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  28. #28
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    just depends on the type of birth mark/pigmentation..
    The birth marks are a wild card for sure. I remember mine got darker at first...then eventually faded NOTHING

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    The birth marks are a wild card for sure. I remember mine got darker at first...then eventually faded NOTHING
    I hope they fade away, they dont bother me, except i noticed them more and shaved after having some scruff and then noticed them much more prominently.

    But this stuff is getting me dark fast! interesting stuff
    Last edited by killagorilla187; 05-12-2010 at 01:21 PM.

  30. #30
    HADOUKEN! is offline Banned
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    I just stopped my Melanotan II, noticed WAYY too many moles coming up
    They run in my family but a patch where I had 1, I've now got 5 and one REALLY dark one
    Even the gf noticed that 90% of the ones that've popped up weren't there before

  31. #31
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Any reports of increased libido from anyone? I understand that it can be a good way!

  32. #32
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Melanotan II definitely gives you an increase in libido. Very nice side effect.

  33. #33
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    One thing I have not read yet is it legal to buy?

  34. #34
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    One thing I have not read yet is it legal to buy?
    Yes, nothing wrong with MT-II. Only sellers who make false claims or market the product illegally - watch out for that

  35. #35
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    Winstrol effect on Cortisol levels, question about when it starts...?

    When does the reduction of cortisol occur from taking oral winstrol ? I am asking this because I am taking an effective productive product called Lean xtreme, that reduces cortisol and bodyfat. I am on day 2 of winny and know it reduces serum levels but would like to know when, so i can stop the lean xtreme.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    One thing I have not read yet is it legal to buy?
    Ar-r store sells it. Legal for research purposes only. I'm using ar-r melanotan right now and love it.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by killagorilla187 View Post
    When does the reduction of cortisol occur from taking oral winstrol? I am asking this because I am taking an effective productive product called Lean xtreme, that reduces cortisol and bodyfat. I am on day 2 of winny and know it reduces serum levels but would like to know when, so i can stop the lean xtreme.
    Why are you asking this in this thread? This is a melanotan II thread.

  38. #38
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Would any of you recommend to buy only one vial at first to test it for sides before you purchase more or would one see much from just one vial?

  39. #39
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Would any of you recommend to buy only one vial at first to test it for sides before you purchase more or would one see much from just one vial?
    Depends on what you are using it for and what your skin type is. But yes, buying 10mg or less the first time can be wise For some it takes more all depends. One vial can certainly test the waters and gauge any sides

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    Thanks bro...

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