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Thread: propcia make you weaka?

  1. #1

    Unhappy propcia make you weaka?

    hi, i have thinning hair (never did roids) and i'm only 20. well anyways i've been using monodil and have had some positive results( within weeks i might add). however i need more cuz i'm a whore. ii heard doing propecia works decent but what about the side effects. How many ppl here use and have gotten soft dicks. also since it's screwing with your test do you become weaker or put on less muslce while on it? also has anybody taken just nizarol and noticed results? if so how long? any help would be much appreciated. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Jersey
    I'm the same age as you and have been using it for a year. I've done all supplements on it, and have neevr experienced loss of libido. I think thats just mental, due to the fact that 1 in every 90 guys have experienced it. I have never loss strength or lagged in the weight room while on it. Basically, I wouldnt worry about it making you weaker.

  3. #3
    thanks for the input, it is much appreciated to hear from someone going through the same thing. how has it been working hair wise for you though??? have you made gains in the hair line? would you recomend generic propecia (finasteride or whatever it's called?)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Jersey
    No, I would stick with the propecia. I have been using that and menoxidil for about a year now. It has thickened the top of my hair, and slowed my hair line down. All I hear is comments of how people are amazaed atthe progress. Just be consistent, and you should see results. Good luck fellow Jerseyian.

  5. #5
    cool, thanks, i hope i'm able to get the level of improvment that you did.

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