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Thread: Need some advice please

  1. #1

    Unhappy Need some advice please

    I fell off a 20 foot roof, collapsed lung broken ribs, torn back muscle and an overlapping collar bone. I was bench pressing 315 for reps after the physical therapy my left side just can't keep up. The main problem is my collar bone feels like its stressing! Anything you guys know?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I would drop to 275 or what ever is physically comfortable and play catch up

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Color bone suck when they break. For some strange reason doctors almost refuse to put them back in place properly and like to leave them over lapped or sticking out and it causes shoulder and alignment issues. I know many people who have done that.

    I will NEVER let a doctor convince me it's OK that way IF I ever break mine.

    Agrees, all you can do it start light and work your way back up.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the advice, This is the first time I have really considered getting any gear, should I wait until I fully rehab or do you think it would improve my rehab time? i guess I should also put in that I gained 40 pounds while I haven't been working out!

  5. #5
    You have to be careful when re introducing weight training with this type of injury especially if you had surgery to repair it. During the surgical procedure they cut all they muscle around your collar bone to get to the bone in doing so they destroy they shoulder girdle so your injured side is going to be considerably weaker and you should not use dumbells because this could easily dislocate your shoulder. Start light and get that shoulder back up to par before worrying about benching 315.

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