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Thread: tanning ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    tanning ?

    today I tanned for the first time in along time. My skin is naturally dark as it is but i decided to get darker before the summer and keep a nice tan. Well today i went in for 15mins -lay down bed- came out and felt fine. Go home take a shower and I still feel fine. Lay down for a minute and when I wake up my face is on fire!! I go look in the mirror and I am a bit red but not really burnt up, ass cheeks are a bit toasty too. Is this to much?? Well obviously it is but what is the normal time you guys go for and how long?? how many days a week do you go?? when do you think I can return to the sun bed?? I am definitely am not going tomorrow but how about a day from now?? damm, I had no idea those beds were that powerfull I put some lotion on my face and some aloe vera and I feel better but damm it!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    First off, several things could cause your face to react that way from the tanning bed including retinae(sp) and other prescription acne creams, antibiotics.
    Second you don't need to tan your face as long as the rest of your body, especially if you tan in one of those super beds that have astrodome lights over your face. I usually go 10 minutes with my face and then put a rag over it.
    Third, yes, lotion will make all the difference in the world. It's winter time so your face is naturally dry. Tanning is just going to intensify this situation. Make sure you get an oil free lotion, preferably one made for men, and apply it in the morning, before you tan and before you sleep.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dirty South, TEXAS
    I go 20 minutes once maybe twice a week just to keep my color.
    Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.

  4. #4
    By the way, don't shower right after you tan. Wait at least an hour. I always wait about 3 or 4 until the redness starts to come in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    30mins 3times a week.

    But not until april

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i dont know how wake chick and palme do it?? shit i was in the 15 mins and i get burnt??? my bumm bumm is burnt!!! time to go get some aloe

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Boston, MA
    how can you go in for 30 minutes the max on the beds I go in is 12 and the booth is 10... THey got all the high tech shit though... It's like lying in a space ship...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I can set the time up to 3 hours if i want, but i wont

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    3hrs-- you would come out looking like a california raisin

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York
    For the record...I am more for the creams and lotion tanners then tanning beds...give this a read:

    Tanning beds give off at least twice as much ultraviolet (UV) radiation as the sun does. The rays from a tanning bed are long-wave (UVA) rays instead of short-wave (UVB) rays that you get from the sun. UVA rays don't burn your skin like UVB rays do, but they do bore deeper into your skin and cause more permanent damage.

    Many tanning lamps also emit UVB radiation. One brand of lamp was found to emit as much UVB as the noontime sunlight in the summer in New York.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    it depends on the bed you are using, what you have running through your system... so on ....

    I am clean and only go for 5-10 mins 5 min in a 180 watt bed and 10 in a 120 watt bed. I get slightly red but I am ok to go almost daily. some times I take a day off to give the skin a rest.

    Also depends if you burn easily in the sun.

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