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After studying and contimplating the reasons why my tendons were so fvcked up i decided to completely change the way i trained my legs and my body at the time. switching from explosive movements to more slow and deliberate movements like light, deep squats helped the situation. my goal was to stop tearing up the tendons, stop the degeration of the tendon, and assist my body in repairing the tissue back to its proper formation (in other words repair the irregular spots on the tendon by stretching the strands back into their proper formation in the tendons).
presently, my patellar tendons never bother me. i have a 385lb squat for a double at 170lb body weight (and i mean ass to my calves). because my tendons were at the point of TENDONOSIS, there is still obvious thickening of the tendons in the spots where there was degeneration. that is the only scaring i have from my injuries. it took about a year of laying off and aggressively focusing on my self-prescibed physical therapy. but my strength is still coming back and im able to continue getting stronger.
since your tendonitis is only that right now (TENDONITIS and not TENDONOSIS) i would suggest really focusing on repairing it now. tendonitis does not take nearly as long as tendonosis to heal.
if you have any other questions let me know. i hate to see other athletes go through what i did.