Messed up my elbow.
Was attempting to remove the rotors from my car today, everything was going fine. Removed the brake pads, and all I had left was the two bolts on the back of the calipers. They looked as if they had been welded onto the back plate. After working on them for a few mins, had to spray them down with WD-40. After they soaked for about 20mins, I went back to work on them. I started by laying down and pulling on the wrench with everything I had. They were so tight that my body was being lifted off the ground as I tried to pull. So I decided to get onto my knees and push down on the wrench towards the ground.
After about 3 or 4 mins of pushing down without even getting a budge out of them, all of a sudden my left arm just collapsed. My elbow was throbbing (and still is). The entire area surrounding my elbow (if you drew a circle around your elbow) is weak as can be. I can still extend and bend my arm without any real difficulty, but I still feel some dull pain when I do it. The biggest problem is trying to exert any force with the arm (lifting anything with weight over 3 or 4 pounds, pushing with force, turning a door knob).
I dont think it is anything too serious, but terribly inconvenient. Curious to see how long this lasts.