Originally Posted by
Times Roman
The muscle in question is the M. Brachioradialis, and it has been bothering the hell out of me for over six weeks. Most noteably when curling. So I abstained from curling for three weeks ,except for warm ups with maybe 5 to 10 lbs and 15 reps. Here lately, i've been able to add some weight, and my two arm curls are up to 70lbs, still very light. So my question is... would it be better to rest the muscle until 100% recovered (doubtful), or should I remain on my present course and slowly add weight and low reps (ten "ish"). BTW... 70 lbs is in the high range for when I'd do one arm curls here lately. I was up to about 65lbs one arming it when I got the stinger.
My stats (again) before you ask
48 years
a little over 6 foot
about 225 lbs
not sure about body fat.... no gut, small love handles
been working out off and on since I was 13.
This last time, all in, if you count my initial push with diet and cardio, is over two years, with just the heavy weights is under a year.
So what do you think? Rest til 100%, or push through very slowly, gradually building up weight and low reps?