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Thread: Rehabbing a stinger in the left forarm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan

    Rehabbing a stinger in the left forarm

    The muscle in question is the M. Brachioradialis, and it has been bothering the hell out of me for over six weeks. Most noteably when curling. So I abstained from curling for three weeks ,except for warm ups with maybe 5 to 10 lbs and 15 reps. Here lately, i've been able to add some weight, and my two arm curls are up to 70lbs, still very light. So my question is... would it be better to rest the muscle until 100% recovered (doubtful), or should I remain on my present course and slowly add weight and low reps (ten "ish"). BTW... 70 lbs is in the high range for when I'd do one arm curls here lately. I was up to about 65lbs one arming it when I got the stinger.

    My stats (again) before you ask
    48 years
    a little over 6 foot
    about 225 lbs
    not sure about body fat.... no gut, small love handles
    been working out off and on since I was 13.
    This last time, all in, if you count my initial push with diet and cardio, is over two years, with just the heavy weights is under a year.

    So what do you think? Rest til 100%, or push through very slowly, gradually building up weight and low reps?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    I'm taking 3 weeks off from all push exercises due to a tricep tendon bothering me.

    I got a pretty bad stinger in my other elbow doing t bar rows. It got worse during deadlifts. I stopped for 2 or 3 weeks and that one is almost non existent now.

    I'd take a few weeks off all pull exercises. When you come back maybe consider sleeves. Thats what Im going to be doing. I ordered DMSO but im not sure if im going to use it. Its very powerful stuff that has to be used in a sterile manner.

  3. #3
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I have a thing of Tiger Balm at my computer I rub on. My tricep is bad enough that it hurts just sitting around doing nothing. Not bad just a low dull pain. Ive been off all push exercises a week and I do notice an improvement.

  4. #4
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I ordered DMSO but im not sure if im going to use it. Its very powerful stuff that has to be used in a sterile manner.
    I've BEEN using DMSO for awhile now. I know all about the sterility thing. Seems to help. Even have a roll on applicator I keep in the fridge. I do it early in the morning, but the wife can still smell it on me and my breath at night. I do use mon - thurs when the chances of some lovn are low, and abstain when the chances are high. She says it makes me smell like I've been eating garlic.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-06-2010 at 11:57 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I have a thing of Tiger Balm at my computer I rub on. My tricep is bad enough that it hurts just sitting around doing nothing. Not bad just a low dull pain. Ive been off all push exercises a week and I do notice an improvement.
    So obviously this Tiger Balm is helping you a little? I just read on the internet about it, a heat rub made from herbs. So I guess this is temporary relief. My stinger is more of a deep muscle type, and I'm not sure a topical herbal solution would provide relief. My stinger only bothers me when I'm curling, otherwise OK. On a scale of 1 to 5, and 1 sucks, how would you rate Tiger Balm?

  6. #6
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    The muscle in question is the M. Brachioradialis, and it has been bothering the hell out of me for over six weeks. Most noteably when curling. So I abstained from curling for three weeks ,except for warm ups with maybe 5 to 10 lbs and 15 reps. Here lately, i've been able to add some weight, and my two arm curls are up to 70lbs, still very light. So my question is... would it be better to rest the muscle until 100% recovered (doubtful), or should I remain on my present course and slowly add weight and low reps (ten "ish"). BTW... 70 lbs is in the high range for when I'd do one arm curls here lately. I was up to about 65lbs one arming it when I got the stinger.

    My stats (again) before you ask
    48 years
    a little over 6 foot
    about 225 lbs
    not sure about body fat.... no gut, small love handles
    been working out off and on since I was 13.
    This last time, all in, if you count my initial push with diet and cardio, is over two years, with just the heavy weights is under a year.

    So what do you think? Rest til 100%, or push through very slowly, gradually building up weight and low reps?
    I too have developed the same problem. It has been bothering me for about month. I can't do any heavy weight curls. Also bothers the hell out of me doing barbell flys. I'm at the point where I don't know what to do? Dropped the weight on curls down to 20lbs with high reps about a 3 weeks ago. Doesn't seem to be healing? I'm wondering if I should take some time off. I Would hate to do that since my arms started to look pretty good to me. If any one has any input or remedies I would surely like to know.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batt View Post
    I too have developed the same problem. It has been bothering me for about month. I can't do any heavy weight curls. Also bothers the hell out of me doing barbell flys. I'm at the point where I don't know what to do? Dropped the weight on curls down to 20lbs with high reps about a 3 weeks ago. Doesn't seem to be healing? I'm wondering if I should take some time off. I Would hate to do that since my arms started to look pretty good to me. If any one has any input or remedies I would surely like to know.
    I've been doing a lot of reading. I topped my last cycle off with some winnie, and I found out that it makes tendons brittle. Coincidently, that's when my stinger appeared. Also, in my reading, I've discovered that anavar helps to rebuild tendons and ligamants. I still have about 4 grams left of that, so i'm thinking I'll try that soon. So I've been sticking with some real light 70 lb curls at 10 reps and two sets once a week. I get a little pump, but not much. Definately nothing to promote muscular growth. I'm just hoping it will prevent any further muscular reductions. For now, it seems it's getting a little better, and I'm in week 8 or so... I just started a new cycle of test (base). I also have 5 or 6 grams of adrol left, but have been real reluctant to start that until my stinger goes away. I've tried all the ice/heat remedies, the DMSO remedy, the deep tissue massage remedy. For me, I think I will continue my course of light weights and hit the anavar in a couple of weeks.

  8. #8
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    New Jersey
    Thanks for your info Don't know much about anavar. I am going to research it.

  9. #9
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So obviously this Tiger Balm is helping you a little? I just read on the internet about it, a heat rub made from herbs. So I guess this is temporary relief. My stinger is more of a deep muscle type, and I'm not sure a topical herbal solution would provide relief. My stinger only bothers me when I'm curling, otherwise OK. On a scale of 1 to 5, and 1 sucks, how would you rate Tiger Balm?
    hey just saw this thread is still going.. I'd give Tiger Balm like a 2.5. If I use it around 5 pm lets say and dilly dally on the computer tearing up the AR Lounge til bed.. I'll hop in bed and not feel a thing. So it keeps it from effecting my sleep. But when I wake up and it comes time to go lift around 11 am or 2 pm or whatnot, the ache is typically back. So it definitely has some beneficial analgesic properties but it can't do anything to heal the muscle tendon as far as I can tell.

    Dude I'll tell you one thing helping me with my tricep (dunno how this carries over to bicep but wanted to share) is getting rid of almost all exercises that use it. I had a chest day for example the other day that all it consisted of was 4 sets of incline dumbbell, flat dumbbell and decline dumbbell. I used strict form and good squeeze and felt it the next day and it didn't light up my triceps at all.

    I've thought up a similar routine for shoulders until this gets better.

    Biceps are tricky though. I can only see a similar theory working if you figure out every exercise that irritates it even a little and cut those out on back day.

    I really want to rest this thing. I am not getting the impression it gets better on its own, and im not prepared to live with this the rest of my life unless I absolutely have to.

  10. #10
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    hey just saw this thread is still going.. I'd give Tiger Balm like a 2.5. If I use it around 5 pm lets say and dilly dally on the computer tearing up the AR Lounge til bed.. I'll hop in bed and not feel a thing. So it keeps it from effecting my sleep. But when I wake up and it comes time to go lift around 11 am or 2 pm or whatnot, the ache is typically back. So it definitely has some beneficial analgesic properties but it can't do anything to heal the muscle tendon as far as I can tell.

    Dude I'll tell you one thing helping me with my tricep (dunno how this carries over to bicep but wanted to share) is getting rid of almost all exercises that use it. I had a chest day for example the other day that all it consisted of was 4 sets of incline dumbbell, flat dumbbell and decline dumbbell. I used strict form and good squeeze and felt it the next day and it didn't light up my triceps at all.

    I've thought up a similar routine for shoulders until this gets better.

    Biceps are tricky though. I can only see a similar theory working if you figure out every exercise that irritates it even a little and cut those out on back day.

    I really want to rest this thing. I am not getting the impression it gets better on its own, and im not prepared to live with this the rest of my life unless I absolutely have to.
    yeah, see.. that's the fukked up thing. I'm sure if i just let it rest for three months it would get better. But how the fuk do i do that?? three months is waay too long. it's really not a bicep, more in the forearm, but only gets aggrevated when curling. for the shoulder, I saw you read this....

    how'd that work out for you? My shoulders are always a little sore, as I guess it is for most of us, but nothing enough to slow me down any.

    I'm going to try the anavar here in a couple of weeks, as soon as my new cycle fully kicks in....

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