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Thread: Shoulder Pain RC ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Shoulder Pain RC ?

    In past I had a severe pain in my right shoulder which spreaded in my right pectoral region. Kept it warm for like 10 days and then it was gone like I never had it.

    It came back again and I thought it is just normal perhaps a muscle pull. But I remember that i was off from exercise for a week but when I got up in the morning it was Arrrhh !!!
    I tried to heat up and all but nothing. I went to my ortho (R.I.P) who fixed my disc problem and he gave me an injection in my deltoid and massaged me a little and it was fine in 3 days like it was never there.

    I started exercising and suddenly now after 2 years it has started again. Its on the side and on the front tip of the deltoid where if you press you can feel the bone of the deltoid and little strain in the collar bone near the deltoid.

    But now I have started exercising again and it is little bit better and yeah I have been taking Glucosamine 1500mg and Chondroitin 600mg from the past 30 days and the strain is like only 30%.

    I cannot do dumbell flys and crossovers as when I bend my shoulder it hurts the outer side and little on the rear of the deltoid.
    So far I do not remember and never had a major injury with my shoulders. New to this injury.

    Is it a rotator cuff injury ?

    My shoulder also give me 'chir chir' sound and 'tak tak' sound (just to make sure the kind of sound it produce). Earlier I was exercising and had the 'tak tak' sound but it didn't pain even not it does not give pain but I am not pressing and shoulder exercise to harm it.

    But when I exercise then the pain goes away.

    I am DO NOT do the following exercises:-

    1. shoulder press and any kind of overhead movement.
    2. Flat bench press.
    3. Any dumbell laterals.
    4. Behind neck lat pulldown/chinups

    I can do inclined bench press, shrugs and it does not hurt my shoulder at all.

    Could you please help me out with this injury and suggest me an exercise schedule which I can follow to develop my deltoids.
    I just hate not doing shoulders. They were oneof my fav exercises and now its sucks.

    I am in fix.
    Last edited by bladerunner9; 07-14-2010 at 06:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Bump !!!

  3. #3
    No forumn is a substitute for seeing a Dr.

    If it is a tear, depending on degree to determine fix. From surgical to rest and physical therapy.

    tendonitis or tendonosis, a really good write up on this site.

    Nerve impengment?

    See Dr to rule out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    An MRI is the only thing that can pinpoint the injury. It could be a rotator cuff but it could also be many other things. Go to a doc and get an MRI.

    Forewarning though, the needle they stick in there to make the scan show up better is nuts. I saw it curved around my joint on the xray while they were doing it. Made me a little sick to my stomach to see that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks for your replies guys. I appreciate that.

    I understnd what you guys are saying but I do not know which Doc is good here coz I got some shit docs which might not work for me.

    But let me update you that I started having Glucosamie an Chondroitin and it has helped me I guess. I rest for a month and then I started having Glucosamie an Chondroitin. I started having exercise and then it was just as a habit I exercise everyday and it didn't hurt on minor movements. but yeah it does give me strain on the above mentioned exercises.

    Does anybody know exercises which I can use to build my delts.

    I am in fix at the moment. Have not trained my delts from the past 4 months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I also going to start doing RC strengthening exercises. If it does not hurt at all with those exercises then I am going to give it a go for a month and see how it effects my RC muscles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think this is one of the best things you can do or most anyone with any or no injury.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks Mate !
    I'll try it, bit more strict and might strain my RC... but I am planning to do the RC exercises with a rubber band.
    But I'll give it a go too once I train my shoulder RC with other exercises.

    Does anybody know exercises which I can use to build my delts.

    I am in fix at the moment. Have not trained my delts from the past 4 months.

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