Originally Posted by
Doc M
I was glad to see you posted this thread Hammerhead because I know this a thorn in many AR member's butt's. I deal with a lot of patient's who have acne scarring so this is something I have done research on for treatment options.
Hammer, the first thing I would tell you is to stop squeezing your blackheads. I know it is very tempting, especially since they are a little ugly to look at, but this can cause more severity in your condition. When you squeeze, it forces the bacteria deeper into the pore and inflames to site. HANDS OFF!!
Accutane is a great med for a VERY limited segment of patients. I personally would NEVER prescribe it to anyone because the side effects can be too severe for many and lead to conditions that are much more difficult to treat. Severe dry skin, dry eyes, painfully chapped lips, HAIRLOSS, yes hairloss!!! It can also cause liver damage in some and it is rather hard on your system. Like I said, this is only my personal medical opinion and some Doctors do prescribe this so it is a decision between you nad your Doc. I would say to definitley not buy this medication from overseas and try to self administer it because of the possible complications that can arise.
There are ways to combat breakouts with OTC products. I will outline a brief start that may require tweaking for your personal skin type, age, and severity of breakouts.
1.) First make sure you are properly hydrated and try to throw in a Vitamin E supplement daily at 400 iu
2.) Keep in mind hair gels, mousses, etc, can cause breakouts, especially if you work out and sweat with these products in your hair. Often you will see breakouts in the scalp, face, neck, and shoulders/back. Try to rinse this out before hitting the weights or cardio.
3.) Shower as soon as possible after sweating. This is often a culprit because people wait awhile before showering and this helps harbor bacteria and inflame pores leading to breakouts. When showering, start from the head and work your way down so you do not leave any residual soaps or conditioners on the skin.
4.) The back is often the culprit and this requires special attention since it contains a large volume or sweat/oil glands. There are many OTC products out for example Nuetrogena makes a body wash that contains a salicylic acid in it. This is used in most acne medications and is quite effective in drying out and healing breakouts. Get a loofah with a handle and scrub your entire body down with the wash. Use gentle pressure without scrubbing yourself raw. After you work the wash into a good lather, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. Do this 1-3 times per day depending on your severity. If your skin starts to really dry out then decrease the usage slightly.
5.) A facial scrub is essential to keeping your face clear. Hammerhead, this is especially something you need to use since you have a blackhead issue. There are several products out for this as well and it is usually personal preference. Again, get on with a percent of salicylic acid in it. I have used everyhing out from cheap to the very expensive. My personal preference is one that is sold at Walmart for $3.00. It is made by St. Ives and it is a medicated apricot facial scrub with salicylic acid, menthol, and other scrubbing materials. I use that on my neck , face, and throat 2 times per day leaving it on for approx 2 minutes. Scrub it gently, but firmly. This will help remove blackheads and clear up the skin.
6.) Try using a mild, non-alcohol based astringent after your shower. A lite moisturizer is always a good idea as well. Make sure it is non-comedogenic, oil free, alcohol free, fragrance free, and allergy tested.
Neutogena, Nivea for Men, Aramis, and Estee Lauder have very good products.
7.) This is an importnat one! Do Not over cleanse!! I know this sounds a bit ironic, but over cleansing can increase breakouts. When you wash your skin you strip it of it's natural oils and in response the skin increases oil production. 2-3 times daily should be sufficient.
Try these suggestions and after 3- 4 weeks if you do not see a marked improvement, you may need to see a dermatologist. Follow these steps as I have written them. I know it seems time consuming and inconvenient, but it can make your skin and complexion much healthier and ease your self conciousness all the while saving you a trip to the Doctor.