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Thread: can't bend my arm tricep really swollen

  1. #1

    can't bend my arm tricep really swollen

    hey guys i started my 2nd cycle this saturday just gone sus+dec, my first cycle was sus on its own in january i done a 10 week course. Thought since its been a good 9 months i was ready for a new cycle. anyways i worked my triceps hard on the sunday the day after my pin. that night i had trouble sleeping couldnt put any preusure on my arms but i didnt think much of it. the following day sunday i done a few sets of dead lifts shrugs so on trying not 2 work the triceps since i had a heavy session on them the day before, the work out went great done about an hour had a little meal afterwards same old routine had an early night to rest. that night i was tossing turning 2 relize when i woke up i couldn't bend my right arm more than 90 degrees also the back of my arm is really puffy and swollen up quite a bit. i rang my docters before they can only fit me in for tomorrow but im a little panicky atm do you think this is something serious i should be worrying about or is this natural since i did go to town on em. I should meansurne i pin in my arm i spoke to a friend and he said his gp reccomends that he pins in his bum should i maybe change the pinning position to quads or buttox? any advice welcome i was a little silly and hope im fine but like i say ill be getting a check up shortly

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ICE it. Sounds like you strained it or just over worked it. Either way Ice it and let it rest. NO heat, that will cause more inflammation.

  3. #3
    ok mate tyvm ive seemed to calm down a little now(had the shakes earlyer lol), ill be sure to get a ice pack on it right away tnx again 4 advise bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    could have ripped some tissue

  5. #5
    ye man same thing happin to me, it should die down in two weeks tops. it was not much inflammation just pain/tenderness. put the vial in boiling water too it will help with the injection pain, room temp seems to be too harsh on the muscles/ or mine at least.

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