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Thread: In a sea of incompetence how to find the right specialist to treat you

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    Apr 2008

    Wink In a sea of incompetence how to find the right specialist to treat you

    It seems that today most people who get injured are more and more confused, where to look and what to look for in a healthcare professional.

    In the world that we live today when reducing pain is a lot more lucrative then eliminating the pain.

    As of this year i will be starting my ninth year of chronic back pain, but what is going to be different this year is that i finally found a competent sport doctor in all that sea of crap, corrupted , incompetent idiots, and i am glad to share what i have discovered from my past mistakes.

    What to look for when seeking help for an injury that will not go away.

    Well the best thing is to seek a competent sport doctor that will do the proper testing to find the cause of the pain, and cure it once sense for all.

    The body as incredible healing properties that can be compromised by a weak immune system. The first thing that needs to be done is proper blood testing.

    I found out that i have been anemic for nearly 10 years.

    The second thing that the sport doctor should do is push the testing further with x rays properly done, (most chiropractors x rays are not reconignes btw, so xrays have to be done by a professional.)

    Then more testing if necessary can be done, like an MRI, bone density test and another test called scitology (not sure i am saying it right), this test will tell where the pain is coming from.

    Along testing the sport doctor as to make sure that your are eating the proper foods, to make sure you immune system is primed, and your body is ready to heal itself.

    Red meat myth: i stopped eating red meat at 25 years old, i am now 38. I must say that it was stupid of myself, but i got scared of all theses myths about cancer and red meat. Yet what the studies failed to tell you is that its all the greasy red meat cooked in crap that is not good. A good lean meat cooked in olive oil is very good, along bison and horse meat, and calf liver are all great meats to eat, they have so much benefits to eat them as well.

    I started drinking cow, goat and natural soy milk again.

    And a bit more to make sure i get all my required protein from foods. I have since then stop taking supplements, canned the whey protein and getting all i need from food. My sport doctor of course was a big help in fine tuning my diet with food, not with supplements.

    Last but not least the sport doctor must take your case seriously, he must listen when you talk and he must also make sense when he talks and gives you is outake on your pain. If you find out that they rather put you on pills, supplements rather then whole food, don't waste your time, the so called doctor is an agent for that pill company and makes a hute cut selling the stuff to poor people like you. That will not solve the problem.

    Since starting this new way of eating, i am amazed that my thinning hair is growing back, slowly of course but surely, my energy level is beyond amazing, and at 38 i guess i never felt that good in a very long time.

    Try to avoid most so called back pain specialist that are aimed at making money and good marketing, like chiropractors. Not saying they are all bad but all i can say is that most that i have seen where crooks.

    Massage therapy and physio are both things that again aim at reducing the pain not finding the cause, much like acuponcture.

    Beware of any professional that will tell you ligaments and tendons are not important and to work the surrunding muscles, they are morons of this earth even if they graduated from univesity.

    Ligament and tendon laxity is real and is the cause is most of the pain that does not get resolved by itself in a couple of days.

    Proper treatment for this is prolotherapy but then again make sure that proper testing is done before starting prolo, also don't waste your time with a sport doctor that will treat 1 ligament at a time and do 1-2 injection to the pain site, real prolo takes at least 30-60cc per part and a lot of injection covering the whole area.

    Prolotherapy is not for everyone, but i have read some pertty amazing things about it.

    I have had 2 years of prolotherapy by an incompetent sport doctor, 4-12cc to treat upper, lower back and hip. Still my pain is a lot better, and my pelvic is now stable.

    Prolo works a lot better when combined with a proper rehab program, a good posture program and strenthening exercises. Other then squats and deadlifts.

    Good luck to everyone and i really hope this can help people find the proper health care professional to finally cure the pain.
    Last edited by yannick35; 10-18-2010 at 09:49 PM.

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