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Thread: Completely fractured my right patella.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock N' Roll hall of fame

    Angry Completely fractured my right patella.

    Its been a long while since I've been on here, and I read the knee injury sticky on the top of the page, BUT....has anyone had this extensive knee injury and had a full recovery? 6 weeks ago I was doing pull ups on one of those POS bars you put in your doorway, and It fell off while I pulled up. Long story short, I fell hard to a wooden floor, fracturing my right patella into 5 pieces and Severing the tendon in half. I was told i would be on my feet 8 weeks after surgery, 12 weeks back to work. Im second guessing that it's going to be a lil longer, my right quad is the size of my left calf! Starting to get a bit depressed actually because I can't seem to do anything, not aloud to drive,and have lost all my strength. I went from a solid 168lbs, to now a flimsy 147lbs. Any help from persons who went through this would be great

    I have 2 metal
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    YEah it may be longer than what you stated. The rehab in itself will likely take longer. The GOOD part about this is, you should be able to recover well enough due to your past history of staying in shape. You will likely always have some knee pain with a break like that. Also being casted in full extension is what really sucks because that is what causes the atrophy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    ouch, sounds nasty. Best of luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock N' Roll hall of fame
    Thanks guys. My guess is no one else has had something this serious happen... My advice, Don't ever use one of those things.I personally hate them now. My main concern is getting my job back, although I am on disability for 12-14 weeks, my job position could be posted if I can't return within that time frame. Worst part is It's company policy I take an "ISO" test before returning ..if I don't pass it, there goes my job, and benefits In this economy I can't have that happen.
    Forgot to mention, Im now bending it at 90 degrees, hoping to get to 120 tommorrow..and walknig on it

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