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Thread: Eye injury, Retina Detachment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Eye injury, Retina Detachment

    As life would have it I am being thrown another curve ball that will interfere with my working out for a couple of weeks.

    My Rt eye started to have a shadow a couple weeks ago and I mostly ignored it because it's my bad eye and it didnt bother me much. Last week it got worse. I went to pretty much 80% blind, large shadow that was like looking through cheese cloth.

    Turns out I have a Retina Detachment. I just watched the Youtube video. Looks like fun... lol I just hope it is successful and I dont have to miss to much working out.

    I read a lot of stories where people have problems after the surgery. I HOPE Im not one of them..

    I have already had 6 surgeries on my right eye. 3 between ages 10-12 due to a piece of metal going through my right eye and lodging in the eye socket. It took out the cornea and lens on it's way through. I had a experimental cornea put in the 80s and in the 90s I had a new donor lens and cornea replacement.

    This time it looks like a lot of fun also, not... Wish me luck. I would like to at least get back to the poor vision I was before;...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    On this site...
    Ouch. That sux bro.

  3. #3
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    Im back. It's been a LONG 2 months. Doc finally said I can start lifting LIGHTLY. Ill take it easy for a few weeks and ramp up slowly. Luckily I haven't gotten fat but I have gotten soft. Damn this sucks.

    I'm SO looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow, I just have to remember NOT to strain or lift heavy.

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Glad to hear it went well, with no complications. Good luck keeping it light.

  5. #5
    wow that's intense. you have that whole scleral buckle in place ?

  6. #6
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    Damn Lovbyts,

    I have seen you on the board for a while but never saw this thread or knew of your problem. I don't know if know but I had a hemmorhage in the right optical nerve then in the left due to a bad reaction to interferon ( HepC medication ) I have worked most of my life as either a mechanic or construction and now lack the visual acutity to do either. That said I am extremely thankful for the recovery I have seen as the first couple of months I could not cross a street safely and they really did not expect much improvement, the reason I say this is my greatest fear now is what you went through any kind of further injury to the eyes. It must have been one hell of an experience.

    I wish you all the best on your recovery and am curious was the detachment due to a specific event ( blow to the head etc) type of deal or is just the result of the earlier damage getting worse over time? I really hope that you do not have to worry about the condition returning, and I would definately heed the doctors advice on anything that might strain it like lifting. Its a lot better to be a little soft and maybe not get laid by as good looking a girl as it is to be rock solid and getting laid by supermodels but only knowing how good they look, because your friends tell you how good they look.

    Good luck on your recovery,


    PS the getting laid thing was a joke, I am not really one of those naive guys who thinks if he had a little deeper cuts in his abs like the guy on the PX90 commercial he would be sleeping with the girl on the commercial LOL

  7. #7
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Damn Lovbyts,

    I have seen you on the board for a while but never saw this thread or knew of your problem. I don't know if know but I had a hemmorhage in the right optical nerve then in the left due to a bad reaction to interferon ( HepC medication ) I have worked most of my life as either a mechanic or construction and now lack the visual acutity to do either. That said I am extremely thankful for the recovery I have seen as the first couple of months I could not cross a street safely and they really did not expect much improvement, the reason I say this is my greatest fear now is what you went through any kind of further injury to the eyes. It must have been one hell of an experience.

    I wish you all the best on your recovery and am curious was the detachment due to a specific event ( blow to the head etc) type of deal or is just the result of the earlier damage getting worse over time? I really hope that you do not have to worry about the condition returning, and I would definately heed the doctors advice on anything that might strain it like lifting. Its a lot better to be a little soft and maybe not get laid by as good looking a girl as it is to be rock solid and getting laid by supermodels but only knowing how good they look, because your friends tell you how good they look.

    Good luck on your recovery,


    PS the getting laid thing was a joke, I am not really one of those naive guys who thinks if he had a little deeper cuts in his abs like the guy on the PX90 commercial he would be sleeping with the girl on the commercial LOL
    Wow, sounds like one hell of an ordeal you went though, worse than mine. One eye is bad enough but both? I can imagine that and it scares the $hit out of me so I am very careful with my left eye.

    The detached retina was most likely due to past injury when I was 10 yr old (LONG time ago LOL) I had a piece of metal go through my right eye. It was a little shard that came off of a hammer when my dad was trying to break a chain with a chisels. I remember it clearly. I had 3 surgeries between age 10-12 trying to restore what they could. I was left with a damaged cornea and no lens inside the eye.

    At age 26? I had an experimental surgery attaching a cornea to my eye. It was successful but only made my eyesight slightly better. Age 37? I had a cornea transplant and lens implant. It was successful and greatly improved the vision but no where near normal. At best it was 20/50 according to the test but that was a stretch. It was legally good enough to drive with only that eye but NO way. I would said it was marginally safe to cross the street with only using that eye for vision but luckily the other eye is 20/15.

    The cornea detachment caused the lens to also break free since it was only stitched onto what was left of the original lens shelf but now they say it's going to be more difficult to re attach but not impossible. the doctor is researching to see who is the best to assist with the surgery.

    Since the lens is still partially attached I have learned how to position my head to get it to float back into position for the most part so my vision is better but still not as good as it was before. The doctor said I am the first person she has ever head of being able to do that. I told her I was going to try after we found out it had become detached and she just laughed. I have always been able to do strange things you aren't supposed to be able to do. LOL Only problem is once I turn my head up much past 90 deg it falls back out of place.

    Thanks for asking and take care of yourself also. I had never heard of anyone having problems like that from Hep C medication. I also had Hep B in 1990 do to GIVING blood at a blood drive. DAMN attendant was not changing his gloves between patients.

  8. #8
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Damn lovbyts. I am going to start sending you some of my positive energy right now. Sounds like you could use it bro. I sure hope things look up for you soon.

  9. #9
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    Looking up???? Yeah Ive been able to look up for several weeks now. hahaha pun intended. Yeah face down for 1 1/2 months sucked.

    I appreciate it bro, I could use some extra positive energy. In all honesty I never look at thinks like this a negative even though it sucked. I'm a glass 1/2 full type of person. it could have been worse, the surgery could have not fixed the problem and??? My boss has a brother in-law who has had complications for almost 3 years from the same thing; it just wont heal. I feel I am lucky I healed very well.

    I expect to be back to normal, like it was before after the next surgery. That is still only about 60% of what normal 20/20 is but it's a lot better than it is now.

    Thanks again.

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