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Thread: Quadratus Lumborum Strain

  1. #1

    Quadratus Lumborum Strain

    Hi, I recently strained my QL and I have been off the weights for about a month now. I can move around really well, but I still feel a little bit of pain where my QL is. I was wondering if this means the muscle is still healing or can it be healed and still ache? I have been wondering about this for awhile. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and it seems to be the same as my lower back. It is fully healed but still hurts from time to time. I usually just give it a little massage and its good to go. I really just want to get back to the gym lol! Anyways, any help is appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    probally good to go in my opinion, i would start back lite with high reps and see how it goes and move from there. i tore a quad muscle 6 months ago and it still aches from time to time. scar tissue will do that..

  3. #3
    Thanks for replying. I wish more people would have posted but I guess I will start light monday.

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