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Thread: Lower Back Pain

  1. #1

    Lower Back Pain

    Hi Guys,

    I'm half way through a cycle of Sust and Deca and have developed a pain in my lower back. It doesnt feel like a traped nerve but more like a constant cramp. It is more prononced on my right hand side and sometimes feels like it is travelling up into my lower lats.

    I've put about 14 pounds on since the start of my cycle (6 weeks into it now) and am currently the heaviest I have ever been (281 lbs).

    I assume the strain in my back is due to the extra weight I'm lumping about but what do you recommend to alleviate the pain - dont really want to come of the gear or stop training mid cycle. Is there a way to train around it or losen it up a bit?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    you described the exact same pains I've been experiencing since i started on TRT, i drooped the deca and var and now its going away, still there but its going away slowly. i am only on test cyp.

  3. #3
    Hi Bass,

    At least I got one reply!!!! I cant imagine its caused directly by the deca - how have you been training through this, its causing me major problems on back day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    i don't have the pain anymore, i believe it was caused by the anavar! how is your water intake? drinking lots of water helped! also check your potassium!

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