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Thread: Use of DHT in the body

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Use of DHT in the body

    I have been doing alot of research on propecia/proscar for hairloss. It blocks conversion of test to dht. Now is dht needed for anything by the body. I mean it seems like a messup of the body just converting test into dht after puberty for no reason, if the only side affects of it are bad.

    I have come up with that in children dht helps the production of sexual organs and some men rely on dht for sexual arousal, others rely on test.

    The reason i'm asking is because i'm only 19 and want to know if propecia would inhibit any late changes my body should be goin through.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Not a big problem although DHT lowers SHBG which allows for more Free test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by husun
    I have come up with that in children dht helps the production of sexual organs and some men rely on dht for sexual arousal, others rely on test.

    i'm not completely sure...but i believe most all human males function the same way

    i am curious about this too though as i am also 19 considering propecia or something similar

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