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Thread: frustrated that injury is not healing!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom

    frustrated that injury is not healing!!

    Injured my wrist on the 24th of march by catching the puch bag akward kickboxing and forgot my wraps that day which never helped. I continued with the session not thinking anything of it as i only felt a little pain which didn't affect the other 45 mins of the session. The day later i went to the gym to train back/bi's and whilst training back noticed that my wrist was getting a little painful but continued only able to finish back as by then it was so bad i had to stop.

    The next day which was the 26th i went for a x-ray which came back clear and they told me that i had sprained it and it wern't that bad so to just leave it alone, they told me not to wrap it or support it in any way and take a little time of training and in 2 weeks it should be fine. I waited untill the 6th of this month and there was no change so i booked myself in to see a physio which my first session with him was on the day later on the 7th and he said that i had sprained it also and give it another 2 weeks and it should start getting better.

    He gave me some sort of electromagnetic therapy for 15 mins on my wrist and done the same on the 11th, 13th, 15th, 20th and has booked me in agin now for the 4th of next month. He told me to start doing some light work and see how it goes, it's the 22nd today and there has been no change since i injured it, if anything it is getting worse and im getting told that there is nothing else that can be done and my g.p just keeps handing me out nsaids with other tablets to protect my stomach.

    I just want to get back in the gym and for a simple grade 1 sprain i don't see how it can be taking this long. Iv'e sprained my ankles worse than this playing football and been back the next week on the field. Sorry for the essay

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    I would go in for an MRI and make sure nothing is torn. A couple years ago I rolled my ankle while playing baseball. They told me I had sprained it and I would be fine in a couple weeks. After about 1 month and half nothing had changed. Went and got an MRI and they found a slight tear. Fixed the tear and have never had problems with it again. Other than the aching like any other post surgery. I would definitely get an MRI though, you can never be too sure.

  3. #3
    Dont know what type of electromagnetic therapy he used (although it doesnt really matter) but to be honest the electromagnetic therapy will most likely wont do anything. Aside from its lack of scientific evidence its will only help with some pain reduction in short term but wont do nothing for the wrist itself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by falco21 View Post
    I would go in for an MRI and make sure nothing is torn. A couple years ago I rolled my ankle while playing baseball. They told me I had sprained it and I would be fine in a couple weeks. After about 1 month and half nothing had changed. Went and got an MRI and they found a slight tear. Fixed the tear and have never had problems with it again. Other than the aching like any other post surgery. I would definitely get an MRI though, you can never be too sure.
    As it would be on the Nhs my physio won't give me a Mri scan i may be able to play on the problem and get a ultrasound, would that be of any use. I think myself it's a little more than a simple sprain but my physio is dead certain that it's a simple sprain and even told me to start back training light even though the area is still tender to press on. I don't have the funds to pay 3oo pound for a mri and that's without traveling costs to the location.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Zwitsal View Post
    Dont know what type of electromagnetic therapy he used (although it doesnt really matter) but to be honest the electromagnetic therapy will most likely wont do anything. Aside from its lack of scientific evidence its will only help with some pain reduction in short term but wont do nothing for the wrist itself.
    Im thinking the same, the treatment that he is using is not of any use and aint don't seem to be helping at all. He said that it encourages and helps the healing process.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Miami, Florida
    Ultrasound should definitely make it feel better. Every time I go to the trainer after practice or a game, I get ultrasound on pains in joints and it really makes things feel much better. I would definitely get the ultrasound for a while and just keep icing it. Try not to go to hard on it, you don't want to re-injur it god forbid.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    united kingdom
    I was reffering ultrasound imaging to look at the tendons and ligaments to see what is going on inside my wrist.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Oh I thought you were referring to ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound therapy causes heat inside your tendons or ligaments and allows them to stretch better. This is used a lot to relieve pain. Especially in sports medicine. I apologize for the mis-confusion.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    united kingdom
    They are telling me now to wait another 6 weeks to see how things go and then they will ultrasound it if it is still the same. I haven't trained for 6 week's and aint waiting another 6, going to sign a new membership on friday. Curling seem's to be the most painful exercise especially with a straight bar, that's impossible so im hoping the ez shape one will work out well for curling with little pain.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    I got electromagnetic therapy(not sure if that is really its name) It was for a problem I had in one of my muscles and it helped quite a bit actually as long as I didn't aggervate it and let it heal for about 2-3 months. It was annoying not being able to work out but that is part of a injury and time off to get things better. I didn't do anything with that muscle group for quite some time and I truely believe that time will heal your wound just got to be patient.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    Im going to start back instead of waiting another 6 weeks, the owner of the gym said that if i have to stop and take more time off he will put me membership on hold so at least i can see how things go and won't lose out on any money. Win, win situation for me i guess.

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