So here I will attach my post op report and a few pictures of the surgical scar and the effects immediately following the actual tear on March 9, 2011.
A little background is I am 25, was in good overall health, trained since I was 15 with time off here and there and thats exactly when I started this cycle; following some of that time off for instant gratification.
AAS and other drugs being used at time of tear:
500mg Testosterone Cypionate EW
100mg Trenbolone Acetate ED
.5mg Arimidex EOD PRN

I may have more to say in the future but I just really wanted to share my experience with people who actually are involved and MOST IMPORTANTLY thinking about getting involved with anabolic steroids.

This is absolutely a result of abuse of AAS without a question. I say this bc for one I should have never been on trenbolone first cycle to begin with and secondly I escalated my trenbolone dose way too fast for a first run. The result was insane strength increases that led to my muscles getting too strong for the tendon. I can honestly say I was feeling problems in other areas too from hypertrophy and its effect on unadapted tendon, most notably the quads and their connection to the knee and biceps connection to the elbow.

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