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Thread: Forearm is bothering me serverly

  1. #1
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    Forearm is bothering me serverly

    This started about 3 days ago and I have noticed it to get progressivly worse. It first started where I only noticed it while working out and now it bothers me while I am just laying in bed. I have been hiting the gym regularly the past month and I have been working out for mass gaining. Now to get to the injury or if it even is one. It is a very sharp pain in my forearm and it feels as though someone is stabbing me or such. It is in both arms just more severe in my right forearm. It almost feels as though I have shin-splints in my arm. Does anyone know what this could be from? If you would like more information just ask the questions and I will reply asap. I thank you all in advance for any advice or treatment options for this particular injury.

  2. #2
    Probably tendonitis, there is a sticky at the top of the injuries rehab section. Is it shooting into this area from your shoulder or further up your arm? Is it going down into your hand at all?

  3. #3
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    no, it is a small area of pain but it is nearly unbarable. about the size of a quarter and i can pinpoint it in my arm and if i press on it, it is extremely painful.

  4. #4
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    Are you using AAS at the moment ?

    Are you drinking enough water ?

    Are you using a pre-workout ?

    Are you taking vitamin and mineral supplements ? ( Fish oil , Amino supplements )

    Do you drink coffee or any diuretic ?

  5. #5
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    Are you using AAS at the moment ? No

    Are you drinking enough water ? Yes, all i drink is water and gatorade.

    Are you using a pre-workout ? I take superpump max pre-workout

    Are you taking vitamin and mineral supplements ? ( Fish oil , Amino supplements ) Im taking Fish oil, BCAA, Multivitamin

    Do you drink coffee or any diuretic ? I do not drink coffee and I am not comsuming any diuretic

  6. #6
    Does the pain get worse when you grasp things? What exercises make it worse?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donman1001 View Post
    This started about 3 days ago and I have noticed it to get progressivly worse. It first started where I only noticed it while working out and now it bothers me while I am just laying in bed. I have been hiting the gym regularly the past month and I have been working out for mass gaining. Now to get to the injury or if it even is one. It is a very sharp pain in my forearm and it feels as though someone is stabbing me or such. It is in both arms just more severe in my right forearm. It almost feels as though I have shin-splints in my arm. Does anyone know what this could be from? If you would like more information just ask the questions and I will reply asap. I thank you all in advance for any advice or treatment options for this particular injury.
    ive had similar, it can have a sensation like the muscle is ripping off the bone, over the top of the forearm. correct?

  8. #8
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    yes, the pain is worse when I am grasping things. especially when I release the weight. Any curls make it hurt a lot, especially preacher curls.
    It sorta feels like the muscle is ripping off the bone but it is more on the sides of my forearms not the tops.

  9. #9
    Probably tendonitis. Rest and ice and if you have a good massage therapist have them do active deep tissue work. The active tissue worked for me better than anything else, the therapist digs in while you are moving your arm. Hurts like hell at first but realy helped me. You also need to get a bandit compression strap it helps alot as well. Also check the threads at the top of this section for exercises and stretches.

  10. #10
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    i agree with OptionsDude, if you want to keep lifting simply bypass your wrist muscles until the pain goes away, i get this pain all the time so i use cables and wrist band to attach the cables to them do my biceps curls, also when you do cable flys for chest use the wrist bands as well. here is a photo.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cable-biceps.JPG 
Views:	237 
Size:	30.5 KB 
ID:	115398  

  11. #11
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    I appreciate the help, but I have no access to cable machines for I am currently in Afghanistan and every workout I do is free weight. Also i read the stickys on tendonitis and tendonosis, is there any way for me to tell if it is tendonitis or tendonosis without an MRI?

  12. #12
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    Ok, I took the advice and ordered a bandit compression strap. I also looked more into it and decided to get a horse linament as well. Hopefully this will stop my issues so i can proceed with my workouts in a regular manner.

  13. #13
    Look into the theraband flexbar as well. I like it because I can take it to work and do some wrist exercises on my downtime. Use the bandit anytime you are lifting or at work if you have a physical job.

  14. #14
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    I have a similar problem on my right forearm.... it may become chronic if you continue to lift... use a heat pad to warm it up before a workout and get blood flowing

    avoid all exercises that directly trigger the pain, work around it for a few weeks, you got to!

  15. #15
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    Sounds good, ill look into the theraband tomorrow after i get back from my mission. I will surly be wearing while working as well because i am in the army and live a very physical life. And i have continued to lift through this pain but I have been avoiding any excercises directly trigger the pain since i posted this thread. Ill attempt to get a heat pad as well so hopefully this pain doesnt become chronic.

  16. #16
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    ive had this also it goes away on its own , i just pushed through it . fore arm splints suck.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donman1001 View Post
    Sounds good, ill look into the theraband tomorrow after i get back from my mission. I will surly be wearing while working as well because i am in the army and live a very physical life. And i have continued to lift through this pain but I have been avoiding any excercises directly trigger the pain since i posted this thread. Ill attempt to get a heat pad as well so hopefully this pain doesnt become chronic.
    make sure you apply heat on the muscle not the joint where the tendons are!

  18. #18
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