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Thread: severe trap pull..HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    deep left field

    severe trap pull..HELP

    I pulled a trap muscle while doing pull overs. I rested three days and the pain started to subside. I went and did some heavy squats which I thought would not effect my traps and have been in severe pain for three days. I mean the pain is shooting down from my upper neck to the back of my shoulder. No position is comfortable. Today is the 4th day since I reinjureded it. It does not seen to be getting better. I applied heat last night ( the 3rd day after pull). Today it feels almost worse. Has anyone pulled a trap or neck muscle this severely?? This is second only to pinched nerve pain. No position accept lying flat on my back relieves the pain. ANYONE have a trap pull this bad?? If so what the he!! did you do to resolve it? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You my need a month off to heal out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    deep left field
    I appreciate the feedback. Usually a trap heals in a week, but this is the worst I have ever experienced. Hopefully someone else will chime in who has experienced a similar issue. I hate to waste $ going to the doc for him to tell me to chill and take pain killers. I just slammmed three C.C.'s of test cyp in the last week and a month off would suck to say the least.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    In a cave...
    I have partially torn my lat and rhomboids for a total of three times over the past decade. Mostly due to stupidity. However, I gotta say there is no pain like back pain no matter which muscle group it is since all the other surrounding groups tend to spasm as well. That being said, I would recommend the usual. 800mg ibuprofen every so often to bring down the inflammation, ice 20 minutes heat 20 minutes at least 3 times per day. Usually a larger muscle group like that will show signs of healing in about 2 weeks especially with your current nitrogen balance. Obviously I'm not a doctor and do what I say at your own risk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    THANKS T-EXPRESS. OMEONE ON THIS SITE HAS HAD TO HAVE TORN OR INJURED THEIR TRAP BEFORE. I have pulled this muscle a few times over the years, but not this bad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by turkishexpress View Post
    I have partially torn my lat and rhomboids for a total of three times over the past decade. Mostly due to stupidity. However, I gotta say there is no pain like back pain no matter which muscle group it is since all the other surrounding groups tend to spasm as well. That being said, I would recommend the usual. 800mg ibuprofen every so often to bring down the inflammation, ice 20 minutes heat 20 minutes at least 3 times per day. Usually a larger muscle group like that will show signs of healing in about 2 weeks especially with your current nitrogen balance. Obviously I'm not a doctor and do what I say at your own risk.
    i agree!

    Chris, i had traps problems as you've described, i got some relief when i visited my chiropractor, but never heeled, i was in pain for about 6-7 months then started TRT, and within few weeks all pains are gone. not sure how old you are but at my age (51) with low test it seems like the muscles don't ever recover! so I'd say it will take time and perhaps may need some meds to help with the recovery like anti inflammatory and some therapy! best of luck to you bro. injuries suck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I went to chiro today for trap probs. Did a series of tests with electrodes, stretching, massage and so on. He said it appears to be a major muscle pull. I was conemplating getting an M.R.I., but that $800 even with insurance. I dont want to waste that $ if all they are going to tell me is to take it easy and take pain killers. Considering that AND the info you guys have given me about the long duration to heal this type of muscle, I will try the chiro a couple more times and stay out of the gym for another week. Thanks again for the help guys!!! bass..I am 44 so yes age plays a big part. Especially when I stilll try to lift heavy like I did in my 20's.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    I went to chiro today for trap probs. Did a series of tests with electrodes, stretching, massage and so on. He said it appears to be a major muscle pull. I was conemplating getting an M.R.I., but that $800 even with insurance. I dont want to waste that $ if all they are going to tell me is to take it easy and take pain killers. Considering that AND the info you guys have given me about the long duration to heal this type of muscle, I will try the chiro a couple more times and stay out of the gym for another week. Thanks again for the help guys!!! bass..I am 44 so yes age plays a big part. Especially when I stilll try to lift heavy like I did in my 20's.
    best of luck to you bro, i hope you recover soon!

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