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Thread: seperated/degenerated ac joint

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX

    seperated/degenerated ac joint

    So I finally went and got my shoulder looked at that had been bothering me for a good 8 months, at least!! I went to a chiropractor that a trainer refered me to, and he took x-rays on my shoulder and said I had a degenerated ac joint. I researched it a little more and it's basically a seperation. He's been working on it for 3 weeks now. He told me that I can continue to do my workouts, but just stay away from things that irritate it. I can do shoulder workouts, with the exception of a few lifts...mostly overhead press. I CAN NOT do front raises, too much pain. Chest days are becoming impossible so I'm probably going to have to take some time off from chest.

    My question is, do any of yall really think a chiropractor can help this injury? Any advise from personal experience or anyone who knows the subject on what else I could be doing as well? I've been taking an anti inflammatory as well as icing it as much as possible...but maybe only 2 or 3 times a day with my schedule. I was thinking of maybe asking for a cortisone shot, but I'm not sure if this would just mask the pain and do more damage in the long run. Any advise would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    injuries suck! yes the cortisone will only mask the pain and you can make it worse if you continue lifting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    do you mean working out with the cortisone or just in general?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    with cortisone, because you will have no pain while the injury still there, so if you have something torn it will make it worse because you wont feel pain! and once the cortisone wears out you will be crippled in that area. it happened to me, i was limping from a knee pain for about a year and was getting worse, the doc gave me cortisone and the pain almost immediately went away, but it didn't fix anything, few days later i played football and as i was turning while running i heard and felt a huge pop, no pain though, but the next day or so after the cortisone wore off i was almost crippled! basically cortisone can deceive you because it suppresses pain but doesn't not fix the problem. if you decide to get the cortisone shot then take advantage of its benefits, rest at least two weeks until the cortisone effect wears out then evaluate, then continue working out but at least at that point your body will signal you if you over do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I had 2 or 3 cortisone shots in my shoulder due to a tear and other long time damage. Didnt do much of anything for me. Anti inflammatory help a little, Ice helps a little but remembering to do this has helped the most.

    I still get some discomfort when I lift heavy or strain it but most of the time those exercises help more than anything else.

    Your question about the chiropractor all depends on him. Mine will do some good deep tissue work on my and yes that helps. He also has written me prescriptions for massage therapy but it's hard to find someone good. Everyone like to do the soft light touch massage, not true deep tissue. I love it when I go to Philippines or Thailand. Most of them are GREAT at deep tissue and it's almost embarrassing when a 5ft 0in 85 lb girl is almost making you cry due to pressure. But it feels SO good after. LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Chiropractors are the worst idiots on earth, they say they can cure anyone and anything but that is not true, they got my a lot worst and caused some major ligament laxity in my lower back and upper neck also due to many over adjustments i developed a snapping hip joint. If you haven't figured it out yet i hate them and almost bough on of them to court.

    Your situation can be fixed with prolotherapy, i have been going to prolotherapy for about 6 months now since i changed sport doctor, my new ones uses bigger dosage and a lot more injections, and i see amazing results. By injecting your shoulder ligament and tendon with prolo it will tighten everything up and it will be like new. I would say anywhere from 4 to 8 treatments would do the trick.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Chiropractors are the worst idiots on earth, they say they can cure anyone and anything but that is not true, they got my a lot worst and caused some major ligament laxity in my lower back and upper neck also due to many over adjustments i developed a snapping hip joint. If you haven't figured it out yet i hate them and almost bough on of them to court.

    Your situation can be fixed with prolotherapy, i have been going to prolotherapy for about 6 months now since i changed sport doctor, my new ones uses bigger dosage and a lot more injections, and i see amazing results. By injecting your shoulder ligament and tendon with prolo it will tighten everything up and it will be like new. I would say anywhere from 4 to 8 treatments would do the trick.
    Ive looked into Prolotherapy and would like to try it but finding a good doctor is as hard as finding a good chiropractor. There are quacks in both fields and I know myself, my mom and many other people swear by them to help under the right circumstances. I have had adjustment and got instant relief. I have had chiropractors that like to try to keep you coming back. When you find a good one you stick to them.

    The only other problem with prolotherapy is insurance wont cover it.

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