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Thread: I hurt my back really badly last night working out can someone please help me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    I hurt my back really badly last night working out can someone please help me

    I had no choice but to do bent over rows on a smith machine last night. On the third set I lowered the bar and felt this like pressure in the right side of my lower back right above my waist. I can't even bend past like 60 degrees. leaning to the right hurts. lifting my right leg back hurts.
    Last edited by TBrah; 05-25-2011 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    do you have a question? i'm not sure what you wanna know. is it sharp pain or dull pain? Any swelling?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    do you have a question? i'm not sure what you wanna know. is it sharp pain or dull pain? Any swelling?
    it is a dull pain. I cannot tell if it is swollen or not. Can this problem fix itself ? how long until I can get back into the gym ?
    Last edited by TBrah; 05-25-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    back injuries are tough to tell, sounds like a muscle pull to me, if thats the case then it needs some time to heal. and you should start feeling better. Ice 15minutes then heat for 15 minutes and repeat a couple times a night. If it doesn't start feeling better in a day or two see a doc.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    back injuries are tough to tell, sounds like a muscle pull to me, if thats the case then it needs some time to heal. and you should start feeling better. Ice 15minutes then heat for 15 minutes and repeat a couple times a night. If it doesn't start feeling better in a day or two see a doc.
    thanks for the help bro.

    I have an appointment this friday to see a doctor. I'm going to try icing and heating tonight I hope it gets better it's a lot more than not being able to workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    good luck bro.

  7. #7
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    It does sound like a pulled muscle from your pain description. Usually nerve damage like pinched nerve causes very sharp pains. Usually they will run down your leg or even up your torso. I have disc probs, and when I irritate that area of my lower back...there is nothing dull about it. Dudes right, ice it for a couple of days until the inflamation subsides (20 min intervals) three times a day at least, and they begin with heat once the swelling is gone. I just got back from the chiro for a pulled trap. I have been out of the gym for over week now...and stil in a great deal of pain. Let it heal because you arent doing yourself any good in handicapped mode.

  8. #8
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    i will ice and heat it like u and the other guy said. anytime i move the wrong way it hurts instantly. maybe it is a sharp pain i dont know it's not like a sting it's like a pressure feels like something is gonna snap if I try to move further. thanks and goodluck with ur trap man.

  9. #9
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    **** it i can't take it I've been out 3 ****ing days im going today I'm just gonna use light weights and do sets of 20 reps i got flexible enough to workout again

  10. #10
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    I have a similar pain like that but mine was in my glute(farther in then outside). I do martial arts and one time it just happened. I ended up going for therepy and it did help but I always got to be careful since I can always feel it there if I push it too much.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBrah View Post
    thanks for the help bro.

    I have an appointment this friday to see a doctor. I'm going to try icing and heating tonight I hope it gets better it's a lot more than not being able to workout.
    see a physical therepist or a chiropractor DONT ASK A REG DR!! Dr's are ****ing dumbasses about this shit and they would rather give you medication to treat the symptoms then actually fix the problem. I consider myself kinda a back rehab expert so if you tell me what you were doing when you hurt it I might be able to help. Its hard without actually seeing you tho

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro View Post
    I have a similar pain like that but mine was in my glute(farther in then outside). I do martial arts and one time it just happened. I ended up going for therepy and it did help but I always got to be careful since I can always feel it there if I push it too much.
    Thats a cyatic nerve inpingement from the sounds of it. can be taken care of 90% of the time by stretching and foam rolling your piriformis muscle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    see a physical therepist or a chiropractor DONT ASK A REG DR!! Dr's are ****ing dumbasses about this shit and they would rather give you medication to treat the symptoms then actually fix the problem. I consider myself kinda a back rehab expert so if you tell me what you were doing when you hurt it I might be able to help. Its hard without actually seeing you tho
    I was doing bentover rows on a smith machine ( I realize now it wasn't a good idea) and on the 3rd set I felt this spasm on the right side of my spine.

    yeah I'm going to a sports doctor idk what that is but i didnt make the appointment lol. It's only on the right side of my back on my spine. I couldn't take it and I went to the gym a little while ago and did some legs. I have no clue why but even the weights I use to warmup with felt heavy. I left out a few exercises because they hurt too much to try. My back still hurts but has gotten better since I originally injured it.

  14. #14
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    I respectfully disagree about chiropractors, I went with back pain and basically went back for treatment (adjustments, electro therapy) for 6 weeks 3 times a week, Cost me $75 a week in co pay and after 6 weeks i only felt mild improvement when i asked the guy about it he told me we needed to strengthen up my back, which i could understand if i was your average middle aged couch potato but my back is obviously strong enough.

    Maybe i just had a bad experience just figured I'd share

  15. #15
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    Yeah I'm not too fond of chiros either. Go to a sport's doctor. Find an MD that specializes in sports medicine. Establish if its a muscular, nerve, or disk issue. Muscle issue = 2 weeks lay off the back. Nerve, disk issue, you may be facked and have to rest for a while then be really careful for the rest of your life keeping your core super conditioned. Meanwhile do what they said with ice/heat at least 3 times/day. Ibuprofin at 800mg couple of times a day. Make sure you eat with it. There is no pain like back pain. Also, remember, I'm not a freaking doctor! Listening to me or anyone else maybe counter beneficial to your health.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I respectfully disagree about chiropractors, I went with back pain and basically went back for treatment (adjustments, electro therapy) for 6 weeks 3 times a week, Cost me $75 a week in co pay and after 6 weeks i only felt mild improvement when i asked the guy about it he told me we needed to strengthen up my back, which i could understand if i was your average middle aged couch potato but my back is obviously strong enough.

    Maybe i just had a bad experience just figured I'd share
    i agree especially for a pulled muscle! i also like to point out that icing is always last! in your previous post you stated icing then heating, it should be the other way around.

    OP, try not to workout anything that hits that muscle, you got to give it time.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I respectfully disagree about chiropractors, I went with back pain and basically went back for treatment (adjustments, electro therapy) for 6 weeks 3 times a week, Cost me $75 a week in co pay and after 6 weeks i only felt mild improvement when i asked the guy about it he told me we needed to strengthen up my back, which i could understand if i was your average middle aged couch potato but my back is obviously strong enough.

    Maybe i just had a bad experience just figured I'd share
    I totally agree that there are alot of quacks out there doing spinal adustments but its not about how strong your back is its about how strong your abdominals are. Transverse abdominis and quadratus lombordum in particular

  18. #18
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    Sep 2005
    Muscle Sprain...caused your back muscles to Spasm and Lock up. Can be very painful and incapacitating.

    Rest, Ice and Ultrasound to loosen up the Back Muscles. Stretching...very important.

    Try Hot Cold Therapy. Give it about 2-3 weeks should be 90 percent better.

  19. #19
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    I agree with the majority, sounds like pulled muscle. I have had a LOT of back experience due to 2 surgeries for 3 ruptured disks. I personally like chiropractors for the minor adjustments but you have to find a good one, not someone who is just looking for repeat customers. For pulled muscle use ONLY ice for the first few days and as often as possible 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. No heat or you will just inflame it more.

    I pulled the muscle or pinched the nerve between my upper shoulder blade, lower neck off to the right side 2 weeks ago. It was so bad I could not move my neck and right arm more than 2 inches without extreme shooting pain and I have a good/high pain tolerance. Even with a vicadine and muscle relaxer I really Hurt!!! I used ice for 2 days. After day 1 I had a little relief. Day 2 I was 50% better and day 3 it was back to 90%. I used ice a LOT. I went to work, working 12 hr shift and I keep a couple ice packs at work in the freezer just in case. I did the on/off for the whole 12 hrs even on the drove home and I slept with one a couple times under my back.

    Ice works great but you have to give it time and use it a lot.

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