My Question is this haven’t pinned in a week now I know I have to end the cycle but will injection sites show up in MRI since they are longer estered gear. And if so should I come clean with the dr. since he is giving me steroid injections in my spine which I didn’t think would help much but it helped me so much I was literally amazed .I couldn’t walk before seeing him and felt like I could actually go the gym afterwards which I knew better of course. I actually had a great workout the day before the injury went home felt great that night woke up the next morning and couldn’t put any weight on right leg hopped around for a bit making breakfast then got ready was going to go to chiropractor and couldn’t hardly get my right shoe or sock on after fighting to get it on I went into muscle spasms all over couldn’t walk at all and was in such agonizing pain I was screaming at the top of my lungs .I spent 6 hours in ER before anything for pain drenched in sweat so I’m sure it’s serious pain is tolerable now anyway so much for my summer cutting cycle. Just wondering if MRI is going to show site inj. Thanks for the help guys.