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Thread: Shoulder injury and second cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Shoulder injury and second cycle

    Am due to start my second cycle in 4 weeks test e 500mg/ week and 4 weeks dbol 40 mg ed. Iv had a minor injury to left shoulder since November, just nagging pain when lifting heavy weights. 6 weeks ago I severely hurt it doing heavy bicep curls. Iv rested it for 6 weeks but still not 100 percent. Went to see a dr who says it is damage to the tendon , which is worse on lateral and rotational movement, but gave he me very little help advice or treatment . I'm planning on starting training next week as I can't wait any longer, il probably have to do much lighter weights. Is it a bad idea to start my second cycle until it's completely better or will it actually help me train harder through the pain and speed up recovery? I'm going to a sports injury clinic next Monday so hopefully they will be more helpful, very eager to step my training up again, any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Dont start your cycle. I was in the same boat as you- injured my shoulder at the start of my "bulking season" and I wanted to lift so bad I tried pushing through it, kept hurting it, then tried lifting again, hurt it again. I was planning on running my first cycle this winter so I was really trying to push through it. I ended up doing the cycle and I had to stop 9 weeks in because my shoulder was killing me. I am now not lifting at all and am loosing everything I gained on cycle and my shoulder is no better than it was 6 months ago when I injured it. I went through all the trouble of pinning, dieting, lifting, and not to mention the money I spent on gear for nothing. I feel like I left so much on the table because I couldnt train chest hard and didnt do shoulders at all. Do your self a favor and let it heal and then cycle when its ready.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    nsw australia
    yup agreed with above . i hurt my rotatorcuff took me 6 months untill i could do chin ups .and arm workouts at full weight and a further 6 months to get back into benching and shoulders. its a slow process

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Tendons are SLOW to heal. Wait until it's 100% or you will be sorry.

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