hey guys. i recently went through a shoudler injury last month (4/1/12) from trying to lift to heavy on db seated military press. a couple weeks ago i got my MRI back and the doctor said i had strained my rotator cuff, and i had a posterior tear in the labrum of the right shoulder. the labrum is the cartiledge that helps hold the ball in the socket of the shoulder, and is what im guessing is causing all the instabilitiy in my shoulder. so for basicallly a month and a half i havent got to work my back, shoulders, or chest and i seriously feel depressed as effe when i look at my pysique in the mirror. i feel like a b**** and i feel like my upper body is getting pudgy and smaller everyday. i can still work my legs as i do 2x a week, but i still feel like crap. my question is what i should do about my diet and exercise now that i have to wait atleast another 6 weeks for my labrum to heal along with my rotator cuff injury???? so far i have cut alot of carbs out and cycled them around my leg workouts (so i can minimize fat gains) and ive kept my protein at around 200g with fats around 80g. my stats are 171 lbs, 5"8, 9% bf.