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Thread: Acne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Las Vegas


    How do bodybuilders keep from getting acne? And how can i do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    acutane. and use a skin cleanser a couple of time a day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York
    To be honest I don't know, but I hope pro's don't take accutane. I would assume the tanning helps them a good deal, along with possibly a medicated bodywash. In close ups, I have seen some acne on pro's, so I am not too sure they have nice clear skin, although I would assume what I said above helps them a good deal.

    As a side note, accutane is extraordinarily harsh on the liver, and should only be taken under the care of a doctor, along with monthly blood values. I have mentioned information on accutane elsewhere if you care enough to do a search for it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I personally have been taking acutane for several month. I am actually 5 month of 6 month cource taking 90mg ed yes 90ed. My liver number has actually has come down. From 43 to 38 for lst and my other has been always normal. I think the liver thing in overrated. I think you body will adjust to it and actually meantime cleanse your liver. I even took winstrol last month with it but however during winstrol I took milk thistle. Acutane is the "magic drug". No sides except dried lips and a little nose bleed that could easily be taken care of. but man my skin looks good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I know lots of BB's who take accutane. With a good liver protectant like Tyler's you should be fine. I would recommend getting your liver values taken frequently and take it easy on the 17AA's.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    iam almost done with 3 months of accutane @ 80mg daily
    and iam on test and eq
    and my acne is still the same as it was before my cycle
    so i wouldnt say its the magic pill.
    it depends on the person and how bad he will react to dht
    and hormones jumping up and down

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I was reading MD that accutane has something in it that makes you depressed. I'm taking tetracycline for my acne and was wondering if anyone knows this will be alright while being on a cycle?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I wouldn't recommend that you mix AAS and Accutane. I used Accutane years ago and my acne has never come back, (to any great degree.) Most people who use Accutane will be "cured" of acne for many years, if not life. If you are considering the use of Accutane, than I would advise you to stay natural untill your treatment is finished. Once you're finished with the Accutane you can start a fresh cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York
    Originally posted by Power-BB
    I was reading MD that accutane has something in it that makes you depressed. I'm taking tetracycline for my acne and was wondering if anyone knows this will be alright while being on a cycle?

    Should be ok, although I hate giving this sort of advice online. I assume the antibiotic is at very loses doses, which is a common treatment for acne. Bump for more opinions, as I am sure many of the guys here have more experience with this then I.

  10. #10
    accutane has simular sides as AS..Harsh on the liver, and causes depession... crazy dry lips.. they be crackin on ya... I tryed it for 30 days, then switched to a lesser drug, and 60 days later IM clear as a bright blue day....

  11. #11


    i've used accutane with aas, but I do NOT use the recommended dosage, which was for me (by my doc) of 60mg ed. Instead I used 20-40mg every 3rd or 4th day. Basically when things flared up (I get cysts - which are huge ugly golf ball size) I take it a couple times a week and it keeps all my acne at bay. It will not cure my acne unless I go through the proper regiment of 60-90mg ed, but I don't need it all year anyway, a little while I sauce.

    you should also look at mega doses of Vit A. I've found for me (and I get bad acne) that 10-15 caps of vit A when things flare up controls the problems quite well, with a dose of 3-4 to keep oil production down.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    TAN! TAN TAN TAN. Unlimited tanning at Ultra Tan or any place like that is $30 a month. I was on Sust and DEca and my back broke out. Tan for a few weeks and I swear it will help you. Plus it looks better when you are tan imo

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