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Thread: Ac joint issue I think? ( with pics)

  1. #1

    Ac joint issue I think? ( with pics)

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forum. I have a weird shoulder injury and can't seem to find any answers for it , a few months ago I noticed end of my clavicle or acromion was higher on one side then the other it almost looks like a separation but I've never had any trauma to the shoulder. I don't mind how it looks its just that I get an annoying pain sometimes in my upper chest right under my clavicle and pain in my side deltoid but nothing on my ac joint or the top of my shoulder. If anyone has something similar or knows anything about it I'd really appreciate it. I've attached a pic as well
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	645 
Size:	71.9 KB 
ID:	127731  

  2. #2
    Actually right now my ac joint is separated I mean tbh sound like everything you got I do chest and yea one does look higher then the other I've gotten x-rays and they said your shoulder socket pushes down and your joint points up and seperate

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I have suffered a similar injury. I separated my shoulder. It is now in a sling. I need to follow it up later next week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Fort Nelson, BC
    Strange, im sure you have tryed ice and heating it probably just need to massage it and give it extra time to repair naturally or work the area over a bit more, good luck!

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies guys, I'm going to go for an X-ray this week just to make its not some kind of bone spur or something, that bump also makes a cracking sound if I bring my arm overhead so I'm a bit worried about that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Looks like Ac joint. "shoulder separation"
    What happens is the ligaments holding the scapula to the collar bone get lengthened... And scapula drops. So you are looking at the end of your collar bone...with scapula lower than normal
    Obviously mechanics of a joint are unpredictable without normal mechanics... Stage 1&2 of Ac sep don't normally require surgery unless extreme pain& dysfunction. Stage 3&4...well 4 is complete loss of contact so the scapula is off the collar bone...obviously not good. Y to surgery then. But we are not there
    So noise...well, there is cartilage in the Ac...obviously it can have a rough time so noisy it can be...and the joint can swell/reduce with proper rest ..or over stress...
    The deltoid pain...supraspinatous the topmost rotator cuff...1) it is stretched in a Ac sep gets overworked...and lay dorky is a pain referral area 2) nerves can be stretched..and refer pain...
    Also impingement of stuff between arm bone and top of shoulder joint (at point of shoulder) bursa sac, tendons of rotator cuff... Can refer pain there
    ....warm up well, stretch muscles around there without stretching out the Ac joint more, find a groove to exercises that dont bother ur Ac joint...and progress strengthening! Focus on rotator cuff warm up and strengthening. Other people have posted on that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Sorry ... Lay dorky?? Damn spell checker...lateral deltoid...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Second reading. Get an X-ray. See a dr. Please report findings. Yes. Young guy, no trauma, and just looked at photo...get the xray

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