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  1. #1
    realgear is offline Banned
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    when i workout my left rotary cup feels like its on fire??

    When I do straight curls or dips

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    curls and dips effecting rotary cup???? Drop weight on your curls and isolate the bicep...

  3. #3
    LT75's Avatar
    LT75 is offline Associate Member
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    After 3 shoulder surgeries a lot of things affect mine. I can't even get a squat bar behind my head or do military press. Curls never bother it, dips do if I go down too far(90 degrees not further).

  4. #4
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by realgear View Post
    When I do straight curls or dips
    There's 4 muscles that make up the rotator cuff. While dips and curls can definitely affect this set of muscles you may want to look at bicepital tendonitiis at the shoulder insertion or possibly the bicep tendon has slipped out of the bicep groove on the humerus. I've had this happen several times mostly made worse by doing squats.

  5. #5
    realgear is offline Banned
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    I squat 560 and leg press 620 but never hurts when I do that hell I can do preacher curls with dumb bells but hand me a straight bar or doing dips or weighted pull UPS when my arms at rest it hurts like a fire burning in my shoulder where it connects to the bicep if I stretch my arm above my head the pain will go away instantly.

  6. #6
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mine didn't hurt either when I squatted. But the act of holding the bar to do the squat caused the bicep tendon to fall out of the groove on the humerus. The pain came when doing dips, flat bench, any curl movement. Incline bench didn't hurt for some reason. When starting to do a dip it felt as my arm/shoulder was so weak that I would just collapse. I would just start by doing shallow dips and go deeper with each rep until after about 4 reps I could do a full deep rep. I never neglect my rotator cuff work now after doing upper body. I particularly hit them hard while on cycle. My left rotator cuff has been torn twice with a torn labrum once. And the right side has been torn 3 times. I have never had surgery. My ortho was the shoulder specialist for the Atlanta Falcons and I begged him to cut. But he felt therapy was enough. He was right. Sometimes it took 6 or 7 months but I healed up. As long as I do my rotator cuff work AND stop if I feel a twinge I have had zero problems. I'm working toward a 500 competition bench and you MUST do your prehab work to stay injury free.

    Ibuprofen, glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM have really helped my joints and pain. Make sure you have eaten something when you take the ibuprofen or it may upset you stomach. Glucosamine and chondroitin along with 5 grams of MSM daily and to be honest my shoulders feel great. For the time being you should refrain from any movement that hurts. Do not work through the pain. That don't work. Slowly add light movements back in but if it hurts then STOP!

    Best of luck bro.

  7. #7
    realgear is offline Banned
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    Thanks alot for the info

  8. #8
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