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Thread: 1st Cycle - Egad, Not Hair Loss!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Unhappy 1st Cycle - Egad, Not Hair Loss!

    Yikes. I took my second shot of test this past Friday (300mg of cyp). I hope this is coincidental or unrelated but I think I'm really noticing some quantity of hair coming onto my hands when I'm running my hand through the front of my hair, particularly when my hair is wet.

    I noticed about 5-7 hairs on my hand when I did this after showering this morning and just noticed about 5-6 more from the same spot in the bathroom at work.

    I'm 34 and have more hair than most 18 year olds. Relatives on my mom's side of the family have plenty of hair and my dad, who is about 60 also has good hair. I didn't think I would be predisposed to hair loss.

    However, this is the one side that scares me most as I'm not into losing my hair. As of now, I'm thinking I'll "monitor the situation." But, come this Friday (when it's time for the next shot) I guess I have to call off my 1st cycle if I keep noticing more loss.

    I could use some input from anyone with experience in these matters. Is there any "test" for related hair loss other than seeing it coming out?

    Any ideas on how to proceed. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    shit happens, go skinhead

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    I think it is impossible to notice hairloss in just two shots. Bump for the pros...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I hope you're right chinups.

    More input from others please.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    The only test for hair loss is your judgement. Some people stay in denial and let it get worse and worse until they take a good look in the mirror one day and freak out. Hair loss can show up in people that you wouldn't think had the gene. It is sneaky. More test means more conversion to DHT. You could be genetically programmed for your hair to thin around age 50 and have it not be noticable until 70. BY taking in more test you increase DHT and speed up the process. If I was you I would continue monitoring it for another couple of weeks and if you think then it is looking worse, get into 1.25 mg of proscar (Spilt a 5mg tab in 1/4's). It has a very long safety record and will knock out about 70% of type 2 dht. It is good to use for test, ask around if you are including other steroids. FOr example Winny is harsh on hair for people pre-disposed becuase it is a DHT derivitive things like proscar can't help becuase proscar prevents the change to DHT and Winny is already past that process.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Scott, that is a quality response you posted. I appreciate it. this site: is posted all over the various boards. I hope I don't get in some kind of trouble for putting it in this message. Could you take a look at the menu of products listed in there and tell me which one contains the Proscar you recommend. Thanks much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    One other thing, you say go ahead and monitor for a couple of weeks. In other words, are you saying I should go ahead and carry on with my shots and my cycle while I'm monitoring. In other words, am I not going to be "hair decimated" from one cycle or so early in one cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I am not an expert on test but I think it stays in your system for a couple of weeks after you stop so I am just saying try to make a sound judgement on its effect with your hair within a week or two more so you can stop if you want, or get on medicine. It takes some time for proscar to get up to speed in your system, maybe several weeks to reach the highest dht inhibition levels of around 70%. If the hairs are miniaturized by dht then you have a chance of getting them to grow back thicker and to a normal length hair cycle, but the sooner you act the better.

    I have been researching on this board for some time and I have learned alot about what to stay away from becuase I do have the male pattern baldness gene. There is even a better product out now than proscar but it is not as well proven for saftey yet although it has a 4 year study now. Proscar would be the first step.

    Proscar is not listed on that site , it is a perscription medicine. You can get it online at or see your doctor. Online was the way to go for me, cost about $25 a month. I used that site for 4 years with no problems it is a legal script that is written by a doctor and then a new york pharmacy fills it and ships it.

    Hairloss at the start is hard to judge, we all lose 50-100 hairs a day normally to the hair cycle so 10-15 hairs in the shower I would consider normal.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Thanks. Man, I am having a hard time judging this. I'll have to keep an eye on it and see if it's real or if it's been this way all along and I'm just really paranoid right now. Thanks for the post.

    To avoid the hair issues, what type AS products do you recommend - - nandrolone based I presume?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    There is an educational thread that talks about test and deca.

    I think test hairloss can be controlled by proscar or avodart. Avodart wipes up about 94% of type 2 dht and 50% of type 1. Proscar whipes up about 70% of type 2 and 0% of type 1. Avodart is superior but much more expensive and neither is covered by insurance for cosmetic purposes. For more info on them go here:

    Winny is a dht derivative so proscar and avodart can't help becuase they stop the conversion of test to dht and winny is already a form of dht.

    One thing I have liked about avodart is that because is stops so much dht from converting it raises test levels by about 20%, but keeps them is a normal to high- normal range.

    Anavar should be a safe alternative to winny but costly. I plan on trying out some EQ soon and see if that works out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.

    Avodart, (active ingredient Dutasteride) manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, is the FIRST & ONLY dual acting 5 alpha reductase inhibitor blocking both Type I and Type II 5-alpha reductase enzymes that convert testosterone to DHT. Propecia, the oral drug approved by the FDA to treat male pattern baldness, only inhibits Type II 5 alpha reductase enzyme. Men with male pattern baldness have increased levels of the hormone DHT and the hair follicles in the balding areas of the scalp become miniaturized. Like Propecia, Avodart interrupts a key factor in the development of androgenetic or male pattern baldness but to an even greater extent. Avodart at a daily dosage of 0.5mg/ day has been shown to reduce serum levels of DHT by over 90%. Like finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia, dutasteride or Avodart has initially been approved by the FDA for the treatment of prostatic enlargement Preliminary studies have shown Avodart to be as SAFE as Propecia but significantly more effective in decreasing DHT levels and treating Male Pattern Baldness.

    Avodart has been shown in preliminary Phase 2 studies by GlaxoSmithKline to be effective than Propecia for Male Pattern Hair loss. In over 80% of Men with Male pattern baldness in the vertex and anterior mid-scalp area, clinical studies have shown that Propecia stops further hair loss and/or increases the number of scalp hairs resulting in significant hair re-growth filling in thin or balding areas of the scalp.

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