Yikes. I took my second shot of test this past Friday (300mg of cyp). I hope this is coincidental or unrelated but I think I'm really noticing some quantity of hair coming onto my hands when I'm running my hand through the front of my hair, particularly when my hair is wet.
I noticed about 5-7 hairs on my hand when I did this after showering this morning and just noticed about 5-6 more from the same spot in the bathroom at work.
I'm 34 and have more hair than most 18 year olds. Relatives on my mom's side of the family have plenty of hair and my dad, who is about 60 also has good hair. I didn't think I would be predisposed to hair loss.
However, this is the one side that scares me most as I'm not into losing my hair. As of now, I'm thinking I'll "monitor the situation." But, come this Friday (when it's time for the next shot) I guess I have to call off my 1st cycle if I keep noticing more loss.
I could use some input from anyone with experience in these matters. Is there any "test" for related hair loss other than seeing it coming out?
Any ideas on how to proceed. Thanks.