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Thread: Bad Lower back pain HELP TO FIND OUT WHAT I HAVE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia

    Bad Lower back pain HELP TO FIND OUT WHAT I HAVE

    Im trying to figure out what issue i have with my lower back so i want to give you guys my symptoms and see if you can give me an idea of wha it could be..

    -Pain (9/10 pain the next day after gym when it first happened. couldnt walk and had to hold onto everything to walk to room or kitchen)
    - Pelvis on a angle ( sounds weird but i think im walking around with my body twisted to releive pressure from pain so basically my pelvis is more tilted to the left)

    its been 3 days now and pain has gone down and i can walk slow and not really have much pain but getting up or sitting down where i have to bend still hurts. i still have my pelvis twisted bit to the left but not as much and everytime i try bring it back to look normal it hurts like a shot of pain..

    I got a X-Ray done at the hospital and they claim there is no fracture or damage so they gave me 4 pills and a injection and told me i can go which was stupid.. I been taking anti inflamation medicine and resting on my bed alot and stretching lower back little bit by little bit...

    Could this be a slipped Disc or Herniation or ???? please if anyone can relate or know someone who has similar problems can you tell me what they had?

    im going to go to my dr tomorro and get a mri to make sure but i dont beleive the hospital claiming im ok...

  2. #2
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    Mar 2012
    So when standing in front of the mirror do you look like the letter S? Hip out to one side? If so It could be a cpl things. It could be a simple as a major muscle strain or it could be a bulged/herniated disk.

    Can you tell me in detail what you were doing and how this happened and felt?

  3. #3
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    Sydney Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    So when standing in front of the mirror do you look like the letter S? Hip out to one side? If so It could be a cpl things. It could be a simple as a major muscle strain or it could be a bulged/herniated disk.

    Can you tell me in detail what you were doing and how this happened and felt?
    when i stand infront of a mirror my upper body looks like its going right and lower body going left. hard to explain but i know its my pelvis area that feels like its pulled out to the left and when i try bring it in it hurts so i try my best to bring it in as much as i can without pain.. its getting better but im still taking it easy using ice and stretching only a bit..

    i did it when i was doing one arm dumbbell upright rows with 50kg but it didnt stop me from training cause it didnt hurt that day. the next day is when it hurt like hell and couldnt walk..

    Also pain is just in the lower back never had no pain in the legs..
    Last edited by Kaytime; 01-06-2013 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #4
    You need to get an mri. I had the same symptoms as you and it was a herniated disk.

  5. #5
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    someone told me herniated discs come with pain shooting down the legs.. i dont have this at all :/

  6. #6
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    Mar 2012
    I'm 99% sure that you strained a muscle. Doing upright rows is not as likely to cause trauma to the spine or disks as something like deadlifts or squats were there is direct pressure. What happens is that you strain the lower back muscle on one side of your spinal colum and the other side pulls hard to adjust. Thus causing the S curve in your hip. It will go away but for know use ice therepy 20 min on and 20 min off! Take OTC anti inflam. meds. like motrin or ibuprofin. REST bnut keep moving. walking will help increase blood flow and relieve swelling in the muscle. Avoid the gym until it is "straightened out". If symtoms increase or do not get better within a week or 2 then YES consider getting an MRI. I'm sure it's just muscular though!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaytime View Post
    someone told me herniated discs come with pain shooting down the legs.. i dont have this at all :/
    No depends on if pressure is put on the sciatic nerves! The fact that your pain showed up later on and that you are starting to feel some relief, tyells me there is a greater chance of it being muscular and it will heal!

  8. #8
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    Nov 2012
    Robin Mackenzie, a PT from down under...well, new Zealand down under. Has the "treat ur own back" concept for u. Find it in the library or store and give it a try. Sounds like something u would benefit from.
    Back pain only, no leg pain or neuro weakness...all good things. Sounds like a mild (classification only) bio mechanical disk event. Yes that type if thing can cause muscle spasms so all who posted would b correct too. Wouldn't bother with MRI at this point honestly. Mild issue, non surgical, etc etc unless it doesn't respond
    Mackenzie would recommend-
    1). Correct the side shift...ok-u say ur back is twisted....anyways, let's say ur hips are shifted left(or body to right).... Use a repeated kind of gentle pressure to slowly ...push hips/pelvis to right in....keep shoulders and upper back level, shift hips by themselves or with hand on hip...and push hips or pelvis to right...push at first to discomfort, then into the pain, slowly moving to pain then off...keep pushing thus rom till ur alignment is perfect...or slight exaggeration to opposite way....then hold correction while getting on ur stomach (floor or stiff bed)... Keep pelvis in corrected shift position...then do press in pushups...except ur pelvis stays on the ground so u are effectively extending ur lower back in no weight bearing position. Do 10 repeated arches..again pushing at first to tightness, then touching pain, then past discomfort...trying to get full arch movement... Then rest on stomach and ice back....
    Try to stand carefully do that ur shift doesnt return
    Repeat as often as u need to correct body posture and decrease pain
    The plan is...restore anatomical position of liquid portion of disc to normal center of disc position...maintain it long enough that the stretched or torn disc ligaments can scar and heal...then strengthen whole area
    Of course, during all this u have mobilized facets, stretched muscles, relieved pressure on nerves.
    Please post results.
    In Australia, most PTs would know this stuff. Consult one. Recover properly. Strengthen ur core till u r bulletproof... Then have a trainer watch ur techniques...obviously did something a little off...cheated with back, arched back, didn't use legs to brace, etc
    Good luck!

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaytime View Post
    Im trying to figure out what issue i have with my lower back so i want to give you guys my symptoms and see if you can give me an idea of wha it could be..

    -Pain (9/10 pain the next day after gym when it first happened. couldnt walk and had to hold onto everything to walk to room or kitchen)
    - Pelvis on a angle ( sounds weird but i think im walking around with my body twisted to releive pressure from pain so basically my pelvis is more tilted to the left)

    its been 3 days now and pain has gone down and i can walk slow and not really have much pain but getting up or sitting down where i have to bend still hurts. i still have my pelvis twisted bit to the left but not as much and everytime i try bring it back to look normal it hurts like a shot of pain..

    I got a X-Ray done at the hospital and they claim there is no fracture or damage so they gave me 4 pills and a injection and told me i can go which was stupid.. I been taking anti inflamation medicine and resting on my bed alot and stretching lower back little bit by little bit...

    Could this be a slipped Disc or Herniation or ???? please if anyone can relate or know someone who has similar problems can you tell me what they had?

    im going to go to my dr tomorro and get a mri to make sure but i dont beleive the hospital claiming im ok...
    Not to minimize what you have gone through but I think it's interesting how people judge pain differently. My mom use to always say 8 or 9 out of 10 when a doctor would ask and then 2 minutes later be talking like nothing was wrong.

    When I ruptured my L5/S1 I considered it a 9 out of 10 because 2 weeks later it was the same as day one. I could not walk more than 5 seconds without collapsing and literally going into spasms and passing out most of the time. I could not even sit on the can to take a sh*t until after my surgery because I would pass out due to pain. To me that was a 9/10. 10/10 would be passed out most of the time. I was also on 20mg hydrocodone, 30mg morphine and valium as needed and it didnt help much, just allowed me to sleep sometimes. All I could do is lay on the floor and usually crawled or rolled anywhere I needed to go in the house.

    If it felt better after a day or two I would also bet on muscle. Keep icing it and of course get it checked out. Do NOT let some doctor cut on you except as a last resort especially since it's getting better. I would go no less than 6 months before I would consider surgery except like in my case where it was obvious it was ruptured, not just herniated or strained.

    With any muscle strain or even herniated disc I is your best friend. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off repeat 3x in a row and 3x a day.

  10. #10
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	scoliosis.gif 
Views:	5306 
Size:	40.8 KB 
ID:	131478

    This is not me in the picture but in a lil similar way this is how my body would kinda look twisted.... When will this get better?? its the only thing that concerns me.

    Today i can tell its getting easier to move around without too much pain so thats a good sign but its the whole S twisted look i got that scares me will this get better or shall i go doctors?

  11. #11
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    Nov 2012
    Go see a professional if previous advice was followed and offered no relief...
    I'd honestly see a good manual therapy-physical therapist first. In Australia they are direct access, can treat without referral, and if they are good ones, will refer you for special tests if they assess and believe you warrant advanced diagnostics.
    Also true for chiropractic in most circumstances. Although their assessment is sometimes based on how you recover after 1 month of their treatment....
    Md's are very good at assessing in general, but treatment is largely meds and surgical based after they use advanced imaging first...and after the expensive stuff they may decide to refer you to the above 1 or 2... PT or Chiro
    And yes (so as not to offend many people) other practitioners can help...but I trust the three previously mentioned professionals to assess your condition accurately, and either treat it/or refer you on to the specialty that can help you.
    Plus do symptomatic treatment we've offered here to help you till you see someone.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2008
    YES 100x go to the doctor. Simple muscle relaxers may help but you probably need some PT, traction or manipulation. Are you icing it?

  13. #13
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    ok so today i woke up with some pain but after i stretched out a bit it went down and i can walk properly and the curve i was talking about has gone down a bit so it seems its all fixing itself out...

    Im going to go doctors to get these muscle relaxers like you said so hopefully they do their thing..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaytime View Post
    ok so today i woke up with some pain but after i stretched out a bit it went down and i can walk properly and the curve i was talking about has gone down a bit so it seems its all fixing itself out...

    Im going to go doctors to get these muscle relaxers like you said so hopefully they do their thing..
    Good idea but dont rely on the muscle relaxers to FIX you. They will only help the muscles to no be so tight/tense. I keep mentioning ice and you keep ignoring it or not saying anything. Trust me after years of back issues ice is the best thing you can do. I even used my ice pack tonight for a while.

    I would still go see a chiropractor or Physical therapist at least a couple of times to make sure everything is aligned.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good idea but dont rely on the muscle relaxers to FIX you. They will only help the muscles to no be so tight/tense. I keep mentioning ice and you keep ignoring it or not saying anything. Trust me after years of back issues ice is the best thing you can do. I even used my ice pack tonight for a while.

    I would still go see a chiropractor or Physical therapist at least a couple of times to make sure everything is aligned.
    Ive been icing it alot which has helped and will continue using it and also ill go see a Physical Therapist to help me out aswel so im 100% again

  16. #16
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    It will go back on it's own...I have done it several times. It takes time and KEEP WALKING!

  17. #17
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    Thankyou guys very much all of you.. Never have i been on a board where people are such informative and friendly. Wish you guys the best in the future and god forbid if any of us have to go through injury again... Thankyou Heaps

  18. #18
    What if you can't get muscle relaxers?
    I've benn using ibuprofin 800 mgs all day.
    800 every 4 hours.
    I've been stretching and icing 20 on/20 off.
    Earlier today I bent over to pick something up and B A M ! I couldn't stand up straight.
    The pain was the worst Ive ever felt.

    I have no insurance yet, so a doctor is out of the question.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    What if you can't get muscle relaxers?
    I've benn using ibuprofin 800 mgs all day.
    800 every 4 hours.
    I've been stretching and icing 20 on/20 off.
    Earlier today I bent over to pick something up and B A M ! I couldn't stand up straight.
    The pain was the worst Ive ever felt.

    I have no insurance yet, so a doctor is out of the question.
    Keep icing. Lay flat on a hard surface. Stop stretching, that can aggravate it more. DONT use any heat, that will make it more inflamed.
    Ice, ice, ice. You can use head after 3 or 4 days.

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