Someone tell me its ok to do a non-oral cycle while I am on accutane. Nothing drastic- maybe deca and test for 8 weeks. How bout it?
Someone tell me its ok to do a non-oral cycle while I am on accutane. Nothing drastic- maybe deca and test for 8 weeks. How bout it?
come on guys I need some reassurance!
i have heard of someone doing a cycle, and accutane, but instead of 2 pills/day they only took about 1 everyother day!
Having taken Accutane and having a 4 year honours in Kinesiology, I think you be a bloody fool to do juice will on Accutane. What's the point? Sauce causes zits, that we know. Your gunna go on Accutane to get rid of those zits. Now you're a gunna pump you're body full of vet grade steriods that are dirty as puddle water = zits. And you're gunna screw-up and throw your endocrine system for a loop for the next 6-8 months til you completely recover = zits. Then your gunna beat the crap outta your liver from the huge work load you're gunna put on it from the suace plus the accutance. Doesn't make much sense to me. Accutane is extremely hard on the liver (known to cause jaundice in some) and it normally takes 4 to 8 months to kick in a clear you from zits, if at all. I guarantee you, your zits get much worse before they get better when you start Accutane and that's in a perfect scenario. Throwing juice into the mix is gunna fuck you right up.
One man's opinion.
How bad are your zits?
Last edited by Duckmanfoochew; 05-11-2003 at 09:37 AM.
I have used accutane at 100mg a day b4,,
I have used it at 80mg /day on a cycle, with no probs,, just get some milk thistle.
yup me too..I'm on 80mgs a day and I'm on a cycle with anadrol, went to the doc friday to get a refill and he looked at my lab report all he said was doesn't look to bad then wrote me up another refill
This is my 4th month of accutane, just got the dose jumped from 80 to 90mg a day.
currently on 400 enanthate and 400 eq
fixing to drop the enanthate cause my zits are crazy
even thou iam on accutane
i got fucking bumps
i had acne problems but the gear made it 4X's as worse
and accutane is not helping so far (maybe it is, and the breakouts that iam getting are minimal just cause iam on accutane)
Everybodys body reacts diff to dht bro
i dont know what to tell you
how bad is your acne?
do you get acne when you not on gear and less just say u eat right and sleep right and do compound movements (all these will slightly raise test levels)
now if you get acne from that the gear is gonna fuck u over
good luck bro
oh by the way, i dont think eq's/deca/winny 's dht conversion is that high to cause acne while ur on accutne so you should be ok with these 3 compounds!!!!! And iam sure there are some experts in here who can add their thaughts!!!!
using a high dose of accutane, the recommend amount, will increase acne initially and potentially cause liver problems. I had severe problems with acne while on cycles, and I've found 20-40mg every 3rd to 4th day eliminates all acne, at least for me, without having any effects on my liver. If you are worried about your liver, and you should be, take the doctors accutane and try it every 4th day, while getting your blood work done. You're acne should go away without any sides....not recommending anything, but this is what I did with great results...
using a high dose of accutane, the recommend amount, will increase acne initially and potentially cause liver problems. I had severe problems with acne while on cycles, and I've found 20-40mg every 3rd to 4th day eliminates all acne, at least for me, without having any effects on my liver. If you are worried about your liver, and you should be, take the doctors accutane and try it every 4th day, while getting your blood work done. You're acne should go away without any sides....not recommending anything, but this is what I did with great results...
Why risk it? I will tell you the same thing I said on another thread of yours very similar to this one. Can you not wait 4-6 months without steroids? My last cycle ended Dec. 2002, and I have not touched the juice since, and I am as strong and almost as big as when I was juiced up. Since I will be starting Accutane tomorrow, I don't plan on juicing until Dec. 2003 or maybe even sometime in 2004. Of course I really want to juice, but the way I look at it is that I have alot of extra time to fully plan out my next cycle.
Yeah I could wait I guess.
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