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Thread: C5 and c6 bulge, cutting into spinal chord

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    C5 and c6 bulge, cutting into spinal chord

    Injury is a rest from roller coaster accident 15 years ago. My back has hurt the last 6 years and due to full shoulder repair, labrum slap rotator cuff , bone name it...put strain on my back in 2011 and now I'm feeling the effects

    Saw chiro and am doing decompression but chiro seems to just use general treatment. What type of doc should I see for best results and protocol?

    Does hgh help with this? Currently on 80mg test hrt per week, .5 ai and hcg

    Can't run, can't box, can't play soccer or lift. Hard to keep a good diet when in pain and can't workout

    Help! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    orthopedic surgeon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Without getting a MRI scan it can be hard to diagnose
    But the usual root is physio with painkillers then chiro followed by the scan if symptoms are extreme!!

    30-40's and heavy workloads can result in disc

    If it is lower back and you have a slipped disc
    ( prolapse ) then depending of the severity and as a last option surgery may be required!!

    There is a procedure which promises pain relief by injection into the spine but this is not always successful!!

  4. #4
    I did 6 months of hgh for my neck and I noticed no difference in pain and it certainly didn't change anything on my MRI or x-rays. I ended up having disc replacement at c5,c6 and fusion at c7,t1. It has been doing great for 3 years but I've aggravated it recently doing heavy overhead work at work. Been slowly getting better. Don't overdo it I would say is the most important thing,and go to someone for some muscle work. It's not going to fix your problem but will provide some needed relief. IMHO I would stay away from the painkillers,I've seen this lead to bigger problems for other people in similar situations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thanks. I'm doing decompression 2 times per week and lots of ice. On my 2nd week of deca 100mg and pharm omni 2iu/day. All of this is helping a lot. Played soccer Sunday and felt great. Still pain here and there. Trying not to take painkillers because it ruins my daily well being. I hope I don't need surgery but ill keep you posted .

    So the hgh did nothing to help? Has anyone had results with deca or anavar?

    Pain level went from an 8 to a 2 in 2 weeks from when I started deca and hgh. I realize it is prob the decompression and ice helping as hgh and deca could not have kicked in yet.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Facecrash View Post
    Thanks. I'm doing decompression 2 times per week and lots of ice. On my 2nd week of deca 100mg and pharm omni 2iu/day. All of this is helping a lot. Played soccer Sunday and felt great. Still pain here and there. Trying not to take painkillers because it ruins my daily well being. I hope I don't need surgery but ill keep you posted .

    So the hgh did nothing to help? Has anyone had results with deca or anavar?

    Pain level went from an 8 to a 2 in 2 weeks from when I started deca and hgh. I realize it is prob the decompression and ice helping as hgh and deca could not have kicked in yet.

    It is my experience that the decompression is what is giving you somewhat immediate relief. You are much younger than I. But the degeneration has more effect then many realize. You say you had an accident and have had much work done to your structure. That in itself can and sometimes does change the way you stand sit and sleep. All of the discomforts and pain cause your body to pull and push and you also do it intentionally . These changes a shift and start to work some kinda bone on bone movement which will in fact cause a degeneration continually progressing.

    So you know the discs are bulging a little and sliding into the wrong position while pushing on the spinal nerve column. I had a car accident back in 2008 and my neck got misaligned and wow what pain. With my neurosurgeon I got a pump up device that went around my neck and I would pump it up and it would raise my entire head. My head attached to my spine (ha, yea guys it is attached )it was a decompression of the discs and the column of the c1 - c8. It little by little took the weight and pressure off the disc which was pinching the nerve. So I say you are getting some immediate relieve just like I did.

    The relieve wasn't good enough and I was getting numbness and pain in my right arm starting at the shoulder and down my arm.
    I then had my C8-T1 fused. It's all good now. It took a year or more after the operation. I never used aas for this.

    Now recently my L2 - L5 are degenerating much more and my exercises that I did were causing too much Compression. The basic disc on disc on nerves it what it is no matter how it is done.

    Get a referral near you to see a Neurosurgeon and one that has had experience with spinal fusion specifically on the cervical region of the spine. A surgeon with that primary focus and experience is who I recommend for you to find. Not some dumb dick GP or just and run of the day orthopedic surgeon. They are the best and have the equipment to see it and the to show you and walk you thru the videos of YOUR neck. ...good luck ..crazy mike

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thanks for the advice I will seek a neuro put tomorrow. The posture pump you spoke of, the chiro I'm seeing said I should not be using it because I have a bone spur. The retraction and posture exercise they gave me cause a ton of inflammation when I first did it. After research and with the help of everyone on this board, I'm realizing that simple chiro, decompression and some deca are not going to fix the issues I have long term and while I have temporary relief, I have a risky injury here that needs the best medical attention possible.

    If anyone can recommend anyone in the NYC area that would be a huge help.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Facecrash View Post
    Thanks for the advice I will seek a neuro put tomorrow. The posture pump you spoke of, the chiro I'm seeing said I should not be using it because I have a bone spur. The retraction and posture exercise they gave me cause a ton of inflammation when I first did it. After research and with the help of everyone on this board, I'm realizing that simple chiro, decompression and some deca are not going to fix the issues I have long term and while I have temporary relief, I have a risky injury here that needs the best medical attention possible.

    If anyone can recommend anyone in the NYC area that would be a huge help.

    Cool man. I'm glad you came to that knowledge and thus decision. Spurs can be real painful but with surgery they are removed most of the time quite easily. Of course the other disc problems and a possible fusion is quite a deal. At least it was for me and my recovery was just so fvckin painful. Wearing the neck brace for six (6) months in the summer in Fla. was just cruel for me.

    I don't want to scare you because I've heard some others say as bad as they have heard it wasn't as bad. I have no pain tolerance and too much pain med tolerance. As I said just make sure the Doctor has a good rep on doing cervical fusions and if you need one you'll be fine. They are done so frequently. Stay calm, positive and cool man. Good luck. ...crazy mike

  9. #9
    When I had my neck fusion and disc replacement the dr did not want me to wear a neck brace. He did not want my neck muscles getting weak. They plate fusions now so It's not like that level will move anyway. I did wear a brace at night while sleeping just to be safe.

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