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  1. #1
    lil johnny is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Sharing a success story-Weight lifting induced migraines

    Howdy People,

    I wanted to share my experience with migraines during weight lifting and how I overcame them with no medicine.

    I was trying to bulk up and lifting heavy. Anytime I would try lift though, I would get a sharp pain in one spot on my head. I asked my friend who is a doctor and he told me it was migraines. He recommended drinking more water and taking some headache medicine before.

    I did as he instructed, and still my workouts were cut short with migraines. Another friend of mine told me to change the way I'm breathing as this could be the problem. Didn't work. Warm up sets didn't help either.

    Finally, after doing some research on the internet I learned that when you lift heavy, your blood pressure shoots up really high. This can lead to headaches. To accommodate the sudden rush of blood pressure flowing to your head, it's important your veins are dilated enough to handle it. I started doing 15 minutes of jogging/biking/rowing whatever I could to get my veins out, heart rate up, and sweat pouring before lifting heavy. I then tried to go about my lifting routine and EUREKA!!! NO MIGRAINES! All it took was some mediocre cardio.

    So simple and a lot of you may be thinking "duh", but just in case there is someone out there like me looking.... I hope this helps you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    Blog Entries
    Did you try L-Arginine before or during workout?

    If vasodialation is the conclusion you reached it will help to make nitric oxide.

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