I am new here and I need help. I posted this in the new member section instead of here, so it might seem redundant. I am a 28 year old male and I have taken two cycles of oxandrolone (british dragons) before my operation, starting 40 mg up to 100, back down to 40 mg off a seven week cycle. I am still a novice about steroids and need help.
I had a car accident 5 years ago and it tore my labrum (like A-Rod, hip region). It takes two to three years after a labrum injury to realize you have a problem. I had a cam morphology, basically my femur head on one side is straight instead of rounded (for a ball and socket joint), which after the impact caused the tear. They fixed it.
Problem is that the scopes cut through my IT band and the doctor nipped my hip flexor tendon, which now has tendonitis. I went to physical therapy for four months and it helped, but all the muscles and tendons are weak still.
Went back to the doc a year and a half later with new pain and I now have Piriformis syndrome and SI hip joint disfunction. The Hip flexor, IT Band and Piriformis are so weak that they pulling my hip out of alignment. I have done another three months of pt; it has helped with the pain but not the problem of weak tendons and muscles.
I've been reading anavar and deca are good for tendon repair, as well as HGH. Anyone who is knowledgeable about steroids and HGH please help. Should I stack certain steroids, if so what doses? Should I take pills again or inject this time? Never have injected and a little apprehensive about it. Thanks for your help!