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Thread: Shoulder injury

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You guys sound like me. Ive been battling shoulder problems for a few years now. I finally had to have surgery on my left because it got to where I could not lift more than 10 lbs. Surgery helped a lot I'm sure because it was a mess inside.

    Although I did most of the PT I really did not give it enough time to heal properly. I never did get to where I lifted heavy and only barely even moderate weight but it just always hurt. My right shoulder started catching up to my left in pain to the point where carrying something light like an empty grocery basked hurt more than lifting a 40lb dumbbell.

    I finally decided it was time to STOP all lifting for a while. I was also hoping a few weeks would do it but weeks turned into a couple of months. I was just ready to say screw it and jump back in because it didnt seem to be getting better until after 3 months I noticed it didnt hurt to carry an empty basked any more. Before it felt like my shoulders were actually going to pull out of socket carry very light weight like 5 lbs.

    Ive waited another month now and I think I'm going to start back in SLOWLY... Start with only 5lbs dumbbells and cables. The shoulders seem to take a LONG time to heal and if you dont give them time you will just make them worse. If I had taken a few months off the first time I injured them I would probably not be where I am now.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You guys sound like me. Ive been battling shoulder problems for a few years now. I finally had to have surgery on my left because it got to where I could not lift more than 10 lbs. Surgery helped a lot I'm sure because it was a mess inside.

    Although I did most of the PT I really did not give it enough time to heal properly. I never did get to where I lifted heavy and only barely even moderate weight but it just always hurt. My right shoulder started catching up to my left in pain to the point where carrying something light like an empty grocery basked hurt more than lifting a 40lb dumbbell.

    I finally decided it was time to STOP all lifting for a while. I was also hoping a few weeks would do it but weeks turned into a couple of months. I was just ready to say screw it and jump back in because it didnt seem to be getting better until after 3 months I noticed it didnt hurt to carry an empty basked any more. Before it felt like my shoulders were actually going to pull out of socket carry very light weight like 5 lbs.

    Ive waited another month now and I think I'm going to start back in SLOWLY... Start with only 5lbs dumbbells and cables. The shoulders seem to take a LONG time to heal and if you dont give them time you will just make them worse. If I had taken a few months off the first time I injured them I would probably not be where I am now.

    Sounds like the story of my life lol

    Glad it's feeling better LB!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by 22-250 View Post
    My shoulder is starting to hurt again as well. Still very minor but gets a little worse every week. Bass, if you are happy with your shoulder specialist, would you mine PMing me his/her info?
    yes i am happy but i was expecting better results, i'd say my new shoulder is about 85-90%. my insurance excluded him from the group. I can't wait to switch to PPO, fvcking HMO is expensive and worthless. so i'll be seeing another one. check your PM for doc info.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Sounds like the story of my life lol Glad it's feeling better LB!
    How may times have I thought that! I'm always so impatient. I can't stand not being able to go 100%

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    How's the shoulder?

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