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Thread: Achilles tendinitis problem TB 500 and MGF peptides

  1. #1

    Achilles tendinitis problem TB 500 and MGF peptides

    Hello All,

    Name is Steve I am a new member to this site and this is my first post. I have been watching the site for a number of years and involved in athletics most of my life. The last 5 years have had Achilles tendinitis issues causing me serious pain on running and at times walking due to extreme tightness of the calves. For the past 3 years have had regular physical therapy which during the past 12 months has resolved the calf tightness but not the tendinitis.

    I am currently still doing weighted eccentric contractions on the step as I have been focusing for several months. Research has shown eccentric contractions are beneficial for tendon healing.

    In the meantime I recently had both ultrasound and MRI both confirming the tendinitis explicitly. I have tried herbal supplements cucumine and Boswelia to no avail.

    As I just finished an 8 week cycle of cucumine and boswelia herbs have started looking for other substances to try for the sole purpose of healing tendinitis. I came across a local peptide clinic online and decided to read up on substances that could be of potential benefit to me.

    I have been looking online on the research databases trying to find decent studies which could support the idea that thymosin beta-4 (tb 500) could be used to help heal ligaments and tendons but found very little on pubmed from the first 200 articles have approx 4 somewhat relevant.

    What im really looking for is double blind placebo controlled studies which show that the stuff can actually work? If you guys could post any you find here I would love it and also if I start the cycle I will post my results here too.

    The pain can be quite difficult to deal with and is possibly gradually getting worse to the point of where some days I am having difficulty walking in the morning.

    The specific regions of pain include (left foot) mid-line and lateral achiilis tendon and on the (right foot) it is mid-line and medial also achilis tendon.

    I will be seeing the orthopedic surgeon on 26th of this month and im going to suggest the peptide hormone tb 500 and mgf to him as a last resort to try before talking about surgery .

    Do you guys have any other suggestions for substances I could try or input into information?

    Have also considered the option of PRP injection. Might consider it before going onto peptides....

    The peptides are legal in my country and can be purchased from a private clinic
    Last edited by Steve051; 05-11-2016 at 04:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hey guys was also chatting to an online supplier for Humatrope (HGH) as a possibility also.

    The doctor sent me a letter saying he wants to do an endoscopic release im seeing him next week.

    My understanding is he will put a micro camera into the back of my calf with micro cutters and slide between the tendon sheath and tendon itself and cut away blood vessels that are apparently causing inflammation.

    I will post results here.
    Last edited by Stephen051; 05-19-2016 at 04:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Could i also get some advise when comparing Kigtropin HGH Vs Humatrope HGH?

    Kigtropin just seems a lot cheaper although I have no idea.

  4. #4
    Hey guys quick update. Orthapedic surgeon is confident I have something called "Neurovascularization" which is when blood vessels and nerves go into an area and cause severe pain due to overuse. He is going to put me to sleep and do the endoscopic release whereby these are cut out. He is confident I will be 100% fixed within two months of the procedure so im going to hold of on the hgh and see if hes right first.

  5. #5
    By the way let me introduce myself although keen otherwise on anabolic steroids I have been doing my normal weights routine am currently 5ft9, 110kg and approx 10-15% bodyfat. (Not sure exactly thats an estimate on fat). I am really not fat but would like to try a few cycles on AAS one day just prioritizing injuries at the moment. I have been weight training consistently for 16 years 100% natural. Was planning on trying test and tren cycle as my first I really like the muscle separation look tren can give.

    I am currently leg curling 120kg for 8-12 reps
    Last edited by Steve051; 06-02-2016 at 07:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve051
    Hey guys quick update. Orthapedic surgeon is confident I have something called "Neurovascularization" which is when blood vessels and nerves go into an area and cause severe pain due to overuse. He is going to put me to sleep and do the endoscopic release whereby these are cut out. He is confident I will be 100% fixed within two months of the procedure so im going to hold of on the hgh and see if hes right first.
    Never heard of this but I have similar issues, such as chronic tendinitis. I know the pain you are talking about, it sucks!

    Keep us posted as I'm interested in this

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