Ok guys, I will post this up in injury section too, but figured lounge gets much more traffic.
So my wife about 6 years ago had a herniated disc L5-S1 and had surgery. "lamenextomy"? Where they shaved a part of the disc.
Well shes been in bad pain this past 3 weeks. Doc first sad its normal and ould go away and gave her nerve blockers. they didn't even touch her pain.
So we waited 2 weeks, and she got MRI, then waited another week for the doctor to see her.
Now they just told her its herniated again. And gave us three options
Epi shots
Shaved disc again
Fusion surgery
We are opting for the fusion.
But have no clue what to expect. Doctor told her she could be back to work in 2 days (will be in pain but possible).
I told her to set everthing up and take a least a week off, and ill try to do the same. As we have the baby and 2 dogs and now her to take care of this wont be easy.
So now im here looking for ANY experience any one has with the FUSION surgery for the disc.
How long were you out for?
Did it help any?
Worth going for it?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.....
Thank you guys.