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Thread: Help: Where can I order or purchase shampoo for reducing hairloss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Help: Where can I order or purchase shampoo for reducing hairloss

    I'm losing 4 or 5 hairs everytime I run my fingers through my hair, and my hairline has receeded noticably in the last couple weeks through Sustanon. WHere can I get a good shampoo in the stores or online to help slow this down until the Sust. has run its course. Also, will the hair grow back post cycle, and if so, how long does it typically take?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    I'm losing 4 or 5 hairs everytime I run my fingers through my hair, and my hairline has receeded noticably in the last couple weeks through Sustanon. WHere can I get a good shampoo in the stores or online to help slow this down until the Sust. has run its course. Also, will the hair grow back post cycle, and if so, how long does it typically take?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Everything I've read about Nizoral says it's for Dandruff. Is there some info. I'm not finding about Nizoral and it's effects against thinning hair?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Couple things you could try . . .
    Some types of shampoo/conditioners don't rinse off as well as others, and the residue can clog up the hair follicule and make life hell for it. What you want to be using is a transparent shampoo, like baby shampoo or something like a Suave translucent product. Anything that says "Clarifying Shampoo" will work. Stuff rinses off better than creamy-type shampoo.
    Second, you can stimulate your hair follicules by massaging your scalp. Just run your fingers on your scalp in circular motions for a minute or so, gets the blood flowing through the tissues. Yeah.
    Third, go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for something that counteracts the DHT in the hair follicule. As guys get older, DHT ends up in the hair follicules and causes the buggers to slow down and eventually stop hair production. Some guys genetics (born into families with bald parents/grandparents) build up DHT in their scalp to a greater degree, and sooner, than other guys. AS use can aggravate the problem.
    Anyway, minoxidyl works for some guys, spironolactone apparantly works for some others. They're basically heart medications you apply topically, and affect only your hair follicules, not the rest of your system.
    Some guys lose their hair because of bacterial or fungal infections, and don't even know they have the problem. Again, a dermatologist can determine if you are beset by these buggers. If you think you might have a scalp fungus (or if you just want to try this to see if it helps) mix 1 cup of vinegar in 1 gallon of water, and after your shampoo work this into your scalp. Fungus hates vinegar (works wonders on athlete's foot, too). If the residual odor is too much, leave the diluted vinegar on the scalp for a minute or two and rinse out.
    BTW, vinegar is great for hair . . . causes the outer layer of the hairshaft to shrink up like the family jewels in Antarctica. Makes it less "tangly" and more shiny.
    But for sure, see a dermatologist . . . if you catch the shrinking hair follicules before they get too small, you stand a fair chance of keeping all your hair.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I use a product line called Nioxin. it is not cheap, but terribly expensive. About 50 dollars for three products in one kit that will last you about 3 months. I swear by this stuff. My hairline was receading bad and within the first two weeks of using Nioxin, my hair was coming could actually see new hair growth at the hairline and the thinning area ontop closed in completely. I have used it every since and my hair stays thick and in place. nioxin works by removing DHT from your scalp and nourishing your folicles to keep the hair you have.

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