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Thread: i know we all have this problem BUT WHY OH WHY!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City

    Angry i know we all have this problem BUT WHY OH WHY!

    I hate days when I wake up and I feel small and punny, I mean I am only 5'7" @ 160lbs, but still. Why does this happen? Some days are so great I feel good my confidence is up and I am ready to take on the world, and then there are days like this and I feel like WTF is wrong with me, I should just quit training, I look small, I feel small, I feel tired...WTF IS WRONG WITH ME? LOL but seriously, has any1 come up with a way to feel good about yourself 24/7? AND I MEAN WITHOUT GEAR! Cuz we all know on gear we always feel great...feel free to jump on this thread fellas cuz out of 1000000 members on this site I know every1 of us gets like this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    If you didn't have days where you felt small I guess you wouldn't have that drive to keep progressing. I know that's one of the reasons I train, eat, and rest the way I do.

    I'm the sam height as you are and way 176lbs at just under 10% bf. I'm no monster by no means but I know I'm not skinny either but I never feel like the way people say I look. Most people thin I weigh in the low 200lbs range. When I look in the mirror I never see it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    damn MudMan were in the same boat only my goal right now after my cycle (look in signature) is to be your size and bf! but you right it kind of gives u motivation like u would tell yourself damn i look small i need to get huge and then u go to the gym and pump out those big weights but yeah same deal with me every1 thinks i am 175, 180 i am like yeah i wish, i guess the mirror is my scale for now but i still wana be more or less like your size eo cycle...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LOL.... It never ends once you hit 175lbs it will not be enough.... trust me I'm hopping to get 2 more cycles in by next summer and I would like to weigh in the lower 200's and the same bf.

    From your avatar you don't look small at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    thanks i appreciate the comment about my size, i am decent but not quite where i wanna be, i do hear u about it not being enough for me cuz i remember when i was 120 i was like yeah 150 and ill be set and now at 160 i wanna be 180 it never ends LOL...p.s. if u wanna see the rest of those pics of how i look right now heres the url

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Use it as a motivating factor. If I was happy with everything I wouldn't be driven to be better. I hope I don't sound like a psychiatrist here, but you've got to experience the bad to make the good feel great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    When I was a little younger, self esteem was a huge problem for me, as it is for many young men. So I joined the Marines. And I didn't grow an inch damnit! Although I did learn how to shoot guns, dig holes, and carry huge rucks full of crap I didnt need for assanine distances. It wasnt until I got out of the Corps that I noticed all the intangibles. Good posture, eye contact, voice projection, drive. People notice that crap and in turn, you see that they recognize you as a solid individual. And you don't need to sign your life away for 4 years to get these things either. Just implement them one at a time into your life. Stand the hell up straight for just one day, the next will be easier. Even if you're getting chewed out by the boss, don't break eye contact. Don't get run over! And the very most important is drive! If you have a goal, you can fear nothing. I'm going to the gym at 7 tonight and when I leave that place, it'll all be there on the gym floor. I'm not taking anything back home with me. It's all there inside us, we just have to tap it. People dont wake up one day completely reformed. And not one person on earth feels complete every moment. We continue to get better, one day at a time, one workout at a time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Eat More, Get Bigger, Stay Motivated

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    right on pump

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