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Thread: Does hair really grow back thicker once you shave it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Question Does hair really grow back thicker once you shave it?

    Always hear people saying shaving you body hair will make your hair grow back thicker once you stop ? Well i been shaving most the hair on my body for years now and thinks its BS. Anyone know the real deal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    It's fiction.
    The controlling factor in hair thickness is the diameter of the hair follicule, and that's decided by your genetics.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I thought that shaving the skin irritates the folicule and once aggitated it then grows thicker and faster.
    If I grow my goatee and dont shave it, it does not grow as fast.
    Once I start shaving it, I only need to shave it like once a week. Then as I keep shaving it, it ends up being like EVERYDAY that I need to shave it. (shave down to skin)
    That is my basis. There is a little spot on my leg that I shaved as a kid. Now that spot is thicker. Just in that spot..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It doesn't grow back thicker, but I can see why people think that way. When the hair grows back it is still coarse and hasn't softened yet. Compare it to growing a beard, if any of you have done starts coarse and prickly and then softens when it gets longer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by EXCESS
    It doesn't grow back thicker, but I can see why people think that way. When the hair grows back it is still coarse and hasn't softened yet. Compare it to growing a beard, if any of you have done starts coarse and prickly and then softens when it gets longer.
    I agree i think thats where the rumor comes from.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Yes..It's BS..The hair thickness does not change at all..A myth..

    Doc M

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    thx doc!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RageControl
    Always hear people saying shaving you body hair will make your hair grow back thicker once you stop ? Well i been shaving most the hair on my body for years now and thinks its BS. Anyone know the real deal?

    My wife has been a beautician for 20 years. She even knows how meds effect hair. I was afraid to shave because I always believed the same, it would come back thicker if decided to stop shaving. She told me it will not come back any thicker. It's a myth.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Yeah it's a myth.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by RageControl
    Always hear people saying shaving you body hair will make your hair grow back thicker once you stop ? Well i been shaving most the hair on my body for years now and thinks its BS. Anyone know the real deal?
    it's a bunch of shit hair grows back the same

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by stankwonder
    it's a bunch of shit hair grows back the same
    this is true but is has the appearance on being thicker becuase you are blunting off the end of the hair when you shave it Making it indeed seem darker therefore thicker. as for the rate of hair growth yes you hair grows slightly faster after being shaved hair has a memory and grows to a certain lenght and then growth tapers off.
    so zz top was very lucky

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged
    this is true but is has the appearance on being thicker becuase you are blunting off the end of the hair when you shave it Making it indeed seem darker therefore thicker. as for the rate of hair growth yes you hair grows slightly faster after being shaved hair has a memory and grows to a certain lenght and then growth tapers off.
    so zz top was very lucky

    And you came up with these facts where???

    Doc M

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    it was in one os my cos books when i was learning it back in school.
    ex-gf got me in to doing hair and stuff never followed threw with it tho.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M

    And you came up with these facts where???

    Doc M

    Will shaving make my beard grow back thicker?

    In an article titled "On beards, no beards, and other hairy problems" in the April 1972 issue of Science Digest, Dr. Herbert Mescon, then professor and chairman of the department of dermatology at Boston University was quoted as saying: "There are a number of myths about shaving. It is not true that shaving makes whiskers darker or coarser or grow faster."

    In the October 1963 issue of Science Digest, an article titled "What happens when you shave" included the following:

    Does shaving make your hair grow faster?

    Shaving has no permanent effect on the rate of hair growth, says Dr. Howard T. Behrman. Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Behrman notes that although there is an immediate increase in the rate of hair growth after shaving, this increase is followed by a decrease within the next few hours. The net effect of a shave on the rate of growth, therefore, is zero.

    Dr. Behrman also says cutting or shaving the hair does not make it darker or coarser. However, a hair shaft is darker and coarser at the root than at the tip, and cutting it near the root makes the hair appear darker and coarser.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    SO I guess it does appear darker or thicker, but is neglible once it really grows back,

    I just don't like the rough stubble, just like you don't like it on a girls legs,

    I trim with a very short guard but don't shave, and I think it looks good, but I do have kinda light colored hair,

    ENraged, that is some badass info, WAY TO GO!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    could always trim it down low and bleach it out. Depending on skin tone i have seen some white girls pull this off. Cant even tell till you get really really close up

  17. #17
    If you shave, the hair can split, and two hairs grow back, which might make it seem thicker, but as for the hair itself growing back thicker...not gonna happen. Just trim it with no gaurd with a hair trimmer. Stubble won't be near as rough, looks like you shave, and no razor burn.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    I'll go with Doc's reply

  19. #19
    i don't know about that bro's.....

    i've noticed that people that shave get more hair, seems thicker... and when people wax, they get less hair and seems like less... once you start waxing hair becomes less and less, and there isn't tons of it, try it out

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel21
    i don't know about that bro's.....

    i've noticed that people that shave get more hair, seems thicker... and when people wax, they get less hair and seems like less... once you start waxing hair becomes less and less, and there isn't tons of it, try it out
    Waxing definitly does cause hair to grow back less. But thats because you sometimes pull the whole root out. As for the skeptics about shaving, think about it. Hair is DEAD, it has no nerves. So the root is 'blind'. It cant see how long the hair is, and without nerves it cannot feel whether is was shaved or cut with scicsors. The reason i belive that some people grow longer hair is that the longer the hairs get, the more likely they are to break or simply wear down like an over used pincil. The stronger your hair is, the longer it can become before it either breaks or over time wears down. Also the speed of the hair growth would increase the legth, giving more time for length to grow in less time for erosion to take place.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    york, pa


    complete is just keratin protein, it has no way of knowing when it's been cut or removed....the papillae/hair bulb controls the growth cycle of the hair which is 'preset' for you by your genetics...

  22. #22
    Logic tells me no, the hair becomes blunt when u shave it so appears thicker as a hair on its own grows out with a tappered end, and really whats the difference with cutting it with sissors and shaving, none really shaving is a bit further down the hair shaft, however i have a widows peak the little v bit in the middle of hairline and i shaved it alot when my hair was short to make it look neater, and i grew another ****er right next to it so i dont know............

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    When I shaved my chest hair in more than a few follicles I got double hairs. So I now have more chest hair than I did be4 I shaved.

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