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Thread: Hair Removal ?'s

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    in Denial

    Hair Removal ?'s

    What are you guys using to maintain that Mr. Clean look? I currently just clipper the longest areas and shave the rest but was wondering if anyone has come across a product that really works.

    -I tried freaking sucks and irritated my skin way worse than Nair. Tried Nads...pain factor 10++ and messy.

    -I am tired of shaving but does anybody shave and use that hair inhibitor growth lotion that I have seen advertised for women and what were the results?

    -I am looking for a slightly less costly approach and Laser (photo epilation) hair removal. I am going to have a couple of spots done up that way by a friend who is an MD but the process is pretty labor intensive and reptitive so I wanted to investigate other options.

    -I have seen some sprays advertised in several BB magazines but I am unsure if I trust anything published in most of those rags.

    -Do you guys find that a previously shaved area grows back thicker or is that an old wife tale??

    -Does anybody know if they still make the Epilady (that thing that yanks the hair out) anymore? I would just take an oxycontin and be done with it as long as it isn't as messy as that Nads crap or waxing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Bro... I've never had a problem w/ hair, but alot of my friends have. I do cut the "long hairs" w/ sissors. But I go down to my Mom's salon and wax the rest. (where needed)
    Your best bet is to either buy a wax kit by it's self or go and have it done by a salon.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    during the winter season...i used clippers with just the blade..gets it nice and short...but during the summer...all hair is gone..i go with Jan Tana hair like nair or neat but without the smell..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    in Denial

    I will try the Jan Tana...I hate the wax

    Has anybody used anything else that is really effective...?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Austin, TX
    Anybody used any hair inhibitor and how did they work?

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