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Thread: calling all hairy gorillas

  1. #1

    calling all hairy gorillas

    is there any hairy guys out there that have waxed their chests?
    im a pretty hairy guy who was thinking of waxing chest area.
    when i was in my 20s i shaved it,that was the biggest mistake ive ever was summer,hot as hell and it itched like crazy.
    if anyone has any ideas on the best way to remove chest hair besides lazer or expensive surgery id really appreciate your advise.
    im quessing the belly area would have to go too,all the way down to the pants line.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Waxing is something everyone should try.. it would be a good experance for all the hairless people out there who don't know how good they really have it.

    But really 4plats, it wirks well, and the hair will stay gone longer. Leaving your skin silky smooth, ooooohhhhh yeahhhh i for got to mention the PAIN.

  3. #3
    im not to concerned about the pain,bro.but i have a few more ?
    shoul i buzz it first.or leave it long?

    how often dose it need to be done

    is it expensive

    where can i get all the stuff needed

    will i see a 5oclock shadow soon after

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    regardless of what method of hair removal you use, does anyone have any suggestions for back hair? I just can't imagine my girlfriend's face if I handed her a razor and asked her to do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Hairly guys

    I have quit furry. I have been wax/sugared, both are by far the best route to take. Yes it hurts but not that bad, and only in few places like upper chest. More you have it done less it hurts, plus hair comes back finner. I would clip it down to about 1/4-1/2 before hand or shave wait 1 week then go, seems to hurt less if it's not toooo long. Nair works, but doesn't last as long and can burn your skin.

  6. #6
    ok eye candy im goin for it,but if it hurts im comming to canada and im going to ,hehehe j/k.

    seriously im going to do it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Bro, I have tried waxing but I'm a puss I guess cause I screamed like a 10 year old. I shave chest/abd everyday. I use a regular razor like a bic or whatever then follow it with my Norelco. If I get razor bumps, I use some 1% hydrocortizone cream (NOT THE OINTMENT) As for the back, I get the GF to use the 4 minute nair. Works like a charm. Though I have to do it about once a week. Peace

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    My experiences with waxing have been bad.. I am not taking about the pain during it.....I was very irritated....I developed rashes and has lots of ingrown hair later on....It was pretty bad, but yes they do come back thinner. Now I use nair, which is much quicker, cheaper, and convenient; the only thing is that hair comes back pretty quick.

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