Well bros, the time has finally come, this past Thursday was my last Test shot. The cycle is in my sig. so I won't bother recapping it. This was my second cycle, the first being 10 weeks of Deca and 11 weeks of Test at 400mg a week each. Here are the results:
Starting weight was around 218/219lb at 6 feet and my bf was a little more than 15%. Currently I am 234/235lb with a lot less BF and visible abs. I must have lost at least 10lb of BF if not more. My vascularity has vastly improved, as well as my muscle hardness and definition. The muscles have a more full and dense look to them. My strenght has also increased immensely, here are some personal bests I accomplished during this cycle: Flat Bench Press 335lb for 5 reps, Flat Dumbell Presses 130lb for 9 reps, Shoulder Presses with 110lb Dumbells for 7 reps, Military Press 275lb for 4 reps, Leg Presses with 1125lb for 6 reps, Squats to parallel with 405lb for 10 reps (did not go higher due to a slight knee injury), Deadlifts 365lb for 7 reps.
It was a great journey and although I'm a bit disappointed that its over, I know that my body needs a well deserved rest. Now its time to get ready for PCT and try to maintain most of what I have worked so hard to obtain. I will be posting pics in a few weeks as I need to get the pictures developed onto a CD. Thanks to all of you who helped me out along the way.