Well I have finished week six of my first cycle.
Week 1-2 (25mg dbol & 400mg deca)
Week 3-6 (50mg dbol & 600mg deca)
Week 7-10 (600mg deca)
Week 13-15 (300, 100, 50)
Weeks 10-20 Clen alt every two weeks with eca
I have had good results, at week six I am up 20 lbs and still 10%bf. The pump from the dbol was kick ass!!! I feel great. I warm up each morning before my workout with 20 minutes of cardio, this has helped get the body warm and the hard going for some serious poundage. I did stress my lower back doing some squats but that was due to a bad spotter. It has healed and I am back at it 110%. I have been spending the past few weeks putting together my next cycle and I will get everyone advise of its potential. It is about $600.00 more than my last cycle as I am adding some test cyr and anadrol.
Post stats:
Stats: after week 6
Neck + 1/2"
Shoulders + 2"
Chest + 3/4"
Upper arm + 11/16"
Forearm + 5/8"
Waist no change
Oblique + 1-1/8"
Upper Thigh + 1-5/8"
Lower Thigh + 1-1/4"
Calf + 3/4"
Weight 205 lbs