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Thread: 2nd cycle of test cyp/deca HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca

    Question 2nd cycle of test cyp/deca HELP

    hey bros im on test cypionate 500mg a wk and deca 500mg a wk with sum dbol was wondering if i up the test to 750 mg a week will it effect me going bald i like my hair i dont wanna loose it man my dad is 54 and his hair is still looking good no sign of baldness going on with him so should i up the test to 750???? alsoive only gained 6 lbs off this stuff im starting my 5th wk of cycle on sunday the june 27 i feel strong but nothing monsterous people att the gym have even told me i look like im loosing weight...ive lost 4 pounds bc my stomach is getting real big and i feel like its the center of my body making my arms look like spaghetti but i think im gonna go with 5192 calories a day by the fitness calculators on this website ill start it up on monday so should be good i felt big this week with workouts i workout 5 times a wk i sweat a lot ive been drinking 180 ounces of water a day(.66 * lbs = ounces u need to drink a day) also ive been eating clean with little carbs and little fat in my diet...can anyone help with the gut i have its hurting my lower back thats y i stopped eating for a while...also is there any good websites out there to help with a mass diet or examples of bodybuilding diets....sorry about this long essay but i needed to get this **** off my chest thanks again for your advice bros best of luck in your programs and juices

  2. #2
    i dunno, is it worth it to you? 10 years from now, when you're bald and your liver is almost dead and you have no testosterone in your body, are u gonna look back and say "Gee, thank god i upped that dosage to 750".....or are you gonna say "Maybe I should of used my head 10 years ago" what do you want to do? there's no "right" or "wrong", there's just what you want to do, and consequences. after all, it;'s your life, right?
    Last edited by anteriordeltoid; 07-03-2004 at 05:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    if theres no right or wrong answer then dont even bother commenting bro thanks for your info

  4. #4
    so basically what you're saying is that you want strangers you've never met before to come online and tell you what is right and what is wrong for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    ooookay. well first off baldness comes from the maternal side so it doesnt matter if your father has hair. just fyi. also, everybody is different. What is your cycle history? how old are you?

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