By Harvey Balboner
This is a journal of my first full go with Sweat Fuel from Designer National Products, I had tried it before at 200mg for 10 days, this time I went with a full blow cycle. A little history, when I went on this, I was at the tail end of a cutting cycle, and these were the last few stubborn pounds.
Start Weight 220
Day 1 - 200mg
Very hot, sweating very badly during any physical activity. Their product is much more accurately dosed than what I tried last time.
Day 2 - 200mg
Heat not as bad today as I got more used to it. Drank a lot more water today.
Day 3 - 200mg
Got used to the heat especially today. Can’t think of a nice way to say this but have been hitting the crapper 4 times a day. Diet was pretty bad though today. I think it is definitely the Sweat Fuel causing this.
Day 4 - 400mg
Weight is down 2 pounds with no change in diet (except maybe worse) or doing cardio. Hotter today
Day 5 - 400mg
Didn’t notice much today, just tired all day, and didn’t do squat. I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating, the pillow was soaked.
Day 6 - 400mg
Weight is down, starting to see some water retention. Played half court basketball today, probably drank a gallon of water during it in less than an hour. Weight is down 3 more pounds, can’t wait to see what it is tomorrow after the BB. Later that night I was sweating big time watching a movie, and most everybody else was cold in the room.
Here is another thing I do not know how to put nicely, I was having sex with my girl, after I pulled out. My semen was a bright neon yellow, it freaked her out. My new nickname is “radio active man.” On a related note, even on 125mg of test prop ED, I have noticed a strong decrease in sex drive.
Day 7 - 400mg
Weight is back up 3 pounds?!?!? Which pretty strange, I think I am holding a lot more water than before, so we will see. Sweating was bad again today. I definitely feel weaker. Lifts went down big time in the gym, but to be expected.
Day 8 - 400mg
Sweating continued today. Nothing unusual to report.
Day 9 – 400mg
Night sweats are getting worse, waking up several times with the pillows and sheets soaked in sweat. Down 2 more pounds.
Day 10 – 400mg
Heavy sweating continued today.
Day 11 – 400mg
Final day on Sweat Fuel, glad it’s over! Had some major sweating today. Lost 1 more pound, final weight 214 pounds, still have a lot of water to shed, we will see how it turns out.
A week later, all excess water is shed, weight went down to 212, definite difference, very lean now have visible abs and intercostals, lost about 1-2 inches on my waist in a week.
Random thoughts:
I’ve heard carbs make you hotter, what I have noticed is sugary carbs (let me tell you, did I crave ice cream) do not make me hotter, but starchy carbs (rice & potatoes) really turn up the heat, also when I sweat I have a weird smell to me, it almost smells like vinegar. As for diet, I pretty much let loose after the 3rd day, the carb cravings are as bad as reported, I mainly just concentrated on eating close to 400 grams of protein a day, and drinking 2 gallons of water daily.
Supplements taken:
1000mg alpha lipoic acid
1500mg magnesium in 2-3 divided doses.
3000mg vitamin C
1200IU of vitamin E
1000-2000mg of calcium (can’t take it with the magnesium, though. Take it before bed) I got most of mine through milk
50mg of zinc a day
A potassium tab or two a day, I decided to drink V8 for potassium instead.
At least 2 gallons of water
300mg cranberry extract
A good multi vitamin
Clen or eca for energy daily
Melatonin if you can’t sleep and it is also one of the best and cheapest anti-oxidants.
All in all, I must say this is by far the most effective fat loss supplement I have ever tried. It is not a pleasant ride, but the end results are well worth it.